US ‘alarmed’ by reports Iranian missile transfer to Russia is imminent or completed

US ‘alarmed’ by reports Iranian missile transfer to Russia is imminent or completed

by Zealousideal-Ask4232

  1. Better to limit the Ukrainians a little more. We don’t want to provoke the poor Russians

  2. I’m sure the US will support Israel when they attack Iran without US troops. Just more support packages.

  3. If Russiai uses foreign produced long distance missiles on Ukranian territory, Ukraine can use foreign produced long range missiles on Russian territory.
    It should be simple!

  4. US and EU is weak. Can’t stop Iran from selling ballistic missiles to Russia. Can’t stop Iran from building nuclear bombs.

  5. Yay! They will use this evidence (real or not) to take the restraints off Ukraine, and soon.

    I really, really hope

  6. Iranian ballistic missiles being fired in and at Europe – wow Bidens painfully stupid incremental plan to avoid escalation is working beautifully ….. for Putin

  7. What did they think would happen when they decided to slow walk this conflict? That Russia would sit back and do nothing to try and improve their situation?

    I can’t get my head around why the US would rather drag this out than end it now.n

  8. Given the amount of ordnance the US has sent to Israel I don’t understand what they’re on about?

  9. We could, you know, send Ukraine hundreds of JASSM cruise missiles to destroy those Iranian ones.

  10. Alarmed! I hope this is a poorly written headline because how could they possibly be alarmed?

  11. So the US Gov is alarmed about Iranian long range missiles being sent to Russia but says in the same sentence that long range missiles for Ukraine will be no game changer.
    Cognitive Dissonance or what?

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