The “war on visual smog” continues in Czechia – this time in Plzeň train station.

The “war on visual smog” continues in Czechia – this time in Plzeň train station.

by GPwat

  1. I definitely prefer the *after* version here. But I’m also an autist and easily sensory overloaded.

  2. I think the informational signs could have stayed. But other than that I highly prefer the after variant

  3. I love the idea. Getting rid of sandwich boards is also great for accessibility.

    But where did the recycling bins go?

  4. this is great! I hate it when beautiful architecture is ruined by visual clutter. Seems to be more and more common in Budapest

  5. I went to Hodonín a few years ago, and I was surprised how ugly the town was, especially due to visual smog.

  6. Are the wall decorations accurate historic reconstructions?

    I find the “before” pics to be nice, too, and would not add pseudo-historic decorations to them. But I like historic reconstructions

  7. So they made navigating the place harder, made figuring out information about your train harder, removed recycling bins and called it an improvement?

  8. Just looking at the ‘after’ pictures lowers my blood pressure.

    It’s amazing what we’re accepting as ‘normal’.

  9. It seems, that the pictures”before” are purposefully schowing smaller area, to look clittered, because the actual effect is very minor. Screens replacing paperboards and downsizing on signs, by retailers, isnt really showing much effort from the city. Kudos for the wooden doors, tho. They rock.

  10. This is wonderful. This should be implemented in London – the amount of billboards and signs on a London trainstation is insane.

  11. I visited Prague time ago, wonderful people. Good job Chechia. Not to mention your beer, simply awesome.

  12. I think this is a disaster for people with visual disabilities.

    Getting rid of ads and crap like that is definitely a good thing. But these small displays and signs are like a punch in the face of people whose vision is not that good.

  13. And it’s so simple really. One display screen for the train information, a bench and a few trash bins and that’s it. Anything else gets moved inside the shop.

    They can do this anywhere, tomorrow. Doesn’t need complicated laws, just a simple city ordnance that says no more clutter.

  14. That’s nice, in Lisbon, electronic publicity boards have been popping up like spam in your inbox.

    Some “fun” examples, like this giant one in [in the middle of the sidewalk](, this one that [blocks you from seeing if a bus is coming]( (also bonus points to being right next to a bus spot, that’s also a part publicity board, and taking up room from the sidewalk) and my favorite kind, the, also giant, ones [that appear next to very busy streets](

  15. Tbf Id still like to have the station name easily visible at the front as a visitor so I know im at the station but the rest is great

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