Actual map of western europe

Actual map of western europe

by Bonaventura69420

  1. The Netherlands have fallen. I’m sure this must be a mistake. Maybe hdi doesn’t scale well per capita

  2. Okay, I guess fuck you too Hans. I haven’t even had my first coffee yet and I have to start my day with my humourless neighbour calling me a beggar. The fuck I do to you?

  3. Hans you are as important to us as the Messina Bridge

    Everyone praises you but deep down you’re useless

  4. Murderers and thieves ehhh…. Let me remind you, 80 years earlier….. you know what, fuck it, nice car just stopped nearby, need to make some cash…. Bye

  5. Okay, so Liechtenstein with a score of 0,942 does count as western European. But NL doesn’t with a score of 0,946? Guess OP should get better at drawing.

    Apart from that, this might be the most shit take I’ve seen. But what can you expect from the germanoids.

  6. I wonder why the Hans are always pulling this narrative of dividing people in to groups, are they cooking something?

  7. This is complete bollocks and blatant ignorance from the so called Western Europeans. I’m from Lithuania and we have plenty of thieves and beggars here too.

  8. I was wondering in what world Ireland was more developed than NL so checked the criteria

    a long and healthy life, as measured by life expectancy at birth;

    knowledge, as measured by mean years of schooling and expected years of schooling; and.

    a decent standard of living, as measured by GNI per capita in PPP terms in US$.

    Seems legit…suck on my development beggars

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