Awesome NEW Book: COPOUT by Nick Breeze; an insiders view on the global climate COPs

Awesome NEW Book: COPOUT by Nick Breeze

In this video I have the pleasure of introducing a new book to you:

COPOUT: How governments have failed the people on climate.

An insider’s view of Climate Change Conferences, from Paris (2015) to Dubai (2023).

Author: Nick Breeze

As Nick says on the back cover:

“Thirty years of UN climate negotiations to reduce carbon emissions have failed to deliver a survivable outcome – most recently, and emphatically, at COP28 in Dubai.”

“An insider’s view of the UN COP’s, from Paris to Dubai, to find out what on Earth is going on. Why does a process which was meant to be ‘saving the world’, continue to achieve almost the exact opposite?”

“Global heating and climate breakdown is the key existential issue of the day. Nick sheds light on the situation through the engaging, all too human story of successive COP conferences over the past decade. It is a tale of imperfection, failure even; but not yet defeat.”

“It is not Extinction Rebellion, Just Stop Oil nor any other climate protesters who are the ‘crazy’ extremists; the true extremists are the policymakers who consistently undermine faltering efforts to reduce emissions. There is a terrifying gap between scientific reality and political action”

“Repeatedly claiming to be saving us whilst allowing carbon emissions to continue rising, governments have failed their people on climate. Nick’s page-turning account shows us how, why and what we can do about it.”

I appear in the book many times, and there are numerous very human and even funny stories of goings on behind the scenes at these very important but this far ineffective global climate conferences.

I simply love the book. Thanks Nick!!

Nick Breeze ClimateGemm website


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by paulhenrybeckwith

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