What do we think of the new statue of The Queen and Philip in Antrim Castle Gardens?

What do we think of the new statue of The Queen and Philip in Antrim Castle Gardens?

by lyndabelle

  1. Place your bets, was it created by an ardent republican or the first cousin of a DUP councilor?

  2. The Queen was clearly made by a staunch republican, I do appreciate the work they put into Philip’s lean though. It was quite distinctive.

  3. This is priceless thanks for sharing

    I kinda like it actually 😂😂😂

    The corgis 😂😂😂😂🫡🫡🫡🫡🤝🤝🤝🤝

  4. It’s actually from an episode of Last of the Summer Wine

    That’s Foggy with Nora Batty!

  5. Thr way he’s leaning his head in just reminds me of thunderbirds or captain scarlet

  6. Prince Philip looks like one of those blow up dolls you put in the passenger seat so you can use the car pooling lane in California.

  7. He looks like Sheldon from the Big Bang theory and she looks like what RebylReboot said 😂

  8. It’s objectively awful from a technical standpoint, really really bad sculpting, oddly enough the corgi is not terrible but still quite kitsch. I’m curious now who the sculptor is and how they won this commission, the figures have really odd proportions, and the poses are ‘off’ kind of childishly lifeless, maybe it’s deliberately kitsch, definitely not to my taste.

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