

Posted by mcspocky

  1. If any politician said stuff like this here they would be institutionalized.

    Like pulled off stage immediately and carried to the next available psych ward.

  2. I remember the air raid drills. None of us felt we were in danger. Who the hell was going to attack a hamlet in NYS? 

    Kids should never have to go through this. 

  3. I remember a shooting at one school over in the 80’s. There were some more around the country. They have dwindled into nothing over the years, with current police reports saying they prevent 4-6 school shootings every year (4th in guns per capita here).

    FU to hell for saying nothing can’t be done. We did.

  4. I guarantee if one of these prick’s kids or grandkids gets caught in the crossfire he’d be singing a different t tune very fucking fast

  5. Columbine happened when I was in school. It was kind of a big deal. Shocked the entire nation, was talked about for months, years even.

    Today, it wouldn’t even be considered all that remarkable. Just a somewhat worse than usual example of a constant phenomenon, eclipsed by some other tragedy in a week or so probably.

  6. I don’t remember either. But I grew up in Canada, and my kids grew up in Australia. School shootings (pretty much any shootings) were mostly just things on the news from the US

  7. I remember Columbine. And as a kid who was bullied a lot I remember the panic that happened afterwards when they realized every current victim was a potential gunman.

    I hope Vance falls onto a fire ant hill and rolls into a poison oak bush.

  8. Nope in the 80’s I and many other student didn’t think twice about bringing our rifles and shotguns to school during hunting season. Hell, many had gun racks full in their truck back window. The school just made announcements that all ammo and guns need to be kept in the students cars and not in lockers. And zero school shootings.

  9. I was in high school during Columbine. The truth is that this country is held captive by the NRA. Most people want some form of gun control but the older boomers and silent generation have been brainwashed by Fox News and vote accordingly. If gen z votes in mass then we may have a blue wave and we will finally have gun control

  10. We had one in the UK early 90s – then we tightened up gun laws – no more since then

    Can you buy a gun ? Yes, you just need to prove a need to own one

  11. Graduated in 95, never ever did I wonder if today might be the day we gonna have to hide from a school shooter.

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