Russische Banken geben an, ihnen sei der Yuan ausgegangen, da sich chinesische Firmen aus dem Land zurückziehen

Russische Banken geben an, ihnen sei der Yuan ausgegangen, da sich chinesische Firmen aus dem Land zurückziehen

  1. Russia travelling back in time. Soon we’ll see caravans loaded with gold, travelling east.

  2. After the collapse they’ll be very quick to step in and “help” by buying up all the businesses and planting CCP flags out the front.

  3. Perhaps Russia should “lease” more Siberian land and cities to China. Haishenwai, formerly known as Vladivostok, was a good start.

  4. tldr: Sanctions for Russia in recent US threats wherein China fears Russia won’t be able to pay them off/they’ll get sanctioned themselves. It’s the same story as always, just under a different headline.

  5. The US has been steadily tracing payments and warning banks, both individually and via high-level visits to China.

    Any bank which violates the sanctions against Russian banks risks being summarily cut off from Western banks, which is a commercial death-sentence.

  6. China is playing the long game. And Russia won’t benefit. This was obvious from the beginning.

  7. I think I’m starting to feel a bit sad for Moscow.
    No, wait, it was just a fart trying to come out.
    Fuck russia.

  8. Is Putin and all the oligarchs going to have to lower their cuts of everything? A completely corrupt government isn’t good when things get difficult. Putin and gang could’ve just sat back and kept the gravy train rolling but that wasn’t enough for rich assholes.

  9. So Russia will pay with natural resources and territory and become the property of the Chinese. Great choice Putler you really sold your country out.

  10. Good. The sooner Moscow can’t afford to buy Chinese drones and general consumer goods, the sooner Moscow can’t sustain their Ukrainian invasion and the ‘elites’ in Moscow and St. Petersburg will feel the pinch and demand change.

  11. this is quite copium news, im not saying it isnt accurate but it paints a picture of china abandoning russia cos they ran out currency due to sanctions and that russia is facing some imminent economy collapse.

    that picture is entirely untrue, china has been extremely instrumental propping up russia since the sanctions and were a great help securing alternate supply chains for their war industry. they have obvious vested interests in russia not collapsing and they will continue to keep giving them massive support.

    we should discern what the larger picture looks like instead of thoughtlessly consuming bite size news that boost morale but ultimately does not move the needle.

  12. Limitless friendship! Unwavering commitment! A bulwark against the decadent, gay, West!*

    *Terms and limits apply. May or may not include vast swathes of Siberia, Vladivostok and direct, unfettered access to the vaults of Moscow’s banks.

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