Russian Soldiers Plea For Help after Thermite Attack by ‘Dragonfire’ Drone

Russian Soldiers Plea For Help after Thermite Attack by ‘Dragonfire’ Drone

by JeffCook78

  1. They could do all the GoT roleplay the want and they still whine.

    How about you go home then?

  2. They are asking for ‘humanitarian aid’ ! Just take a moment to understand the absurdity of this. A merciless, murdering, devastating invading military machine wants humanitarian aid

  3. That is crazy.

    The future of ground combat is pretty terrifying. I wonder if they have used thermobarics with drones (I don’t see why either side would not have at this point in the conflict).

  4. My best advice for dealing with attacks like this is simply to get out of their way, and re-establish your trenches elsewhere; in this case slightly back. If that doesn’t work, the Russians should do it again, this time slightly further back. In fact, you could actually make the case that relocating all troops, cannons and trenches all the way to **the other side of the Ukraine – Russia border** would ultimately be the safest way to deal with this.

  5. TBH i can see thermite being added to the banned list on the Geneva Convention similar to napalm… But until then? Fair game

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