Man who got underage girl pregnant avoids jail despite ‘huge age gap’

Man who got underage girl pregnant avoids jail despite ‘huge age gap’

by Aggressive_Plates

  1. “Singh was issued with a child abduction notice not to contact her before a SHPO was imposed at Birmingham Magistrates’ Court, which he went on to breach by having sexual activity with her.”

    Guy was gagging that badly to shag a 14-year-old that he spat straight into the law’s face and he’s getting a pissy punishment as a result of it.

    “Judge Kershaw concluded Singh effectively ‘groomed’ the girl who would not have had the same ‘capacity as someone who is older’. But he acknowledged the defendant had stayed away from her as per the deferred sentence agreement, was working and ‘was otherwise leading a decent life’.”

    Fuck off. I bet he stayed awat from her because he got the sex he wanted and he doesn’t want her with a baby. I don’t think this is him becoming a better human being.

  2. Can someone explain this case to me please? He was given the SHPO after he got her pregnant? But then had sex with her again? Or he got her pregnant after the SHPO?

    Additionally – the judge’s speech is really weird to me. He calls the age gap a problem like it’s not the actual age of the girl that’s the issue.

  3. This judge needs to be fired. What the fuck kind of sentence is that.

    Oh the age gap is a problem not the fact that he’s a fucking paedophile

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