Donald Called Out as ‘Desperate and Delusional’ After Claiming ’75 – 80 Percent of the Country’ Support Him

Donald Called Out as ‘Desperate and Delusional’ After Claiming ’75 – 80 Percent of the Country’ Support Him

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. I love to see the shots of him waving when exiting a building or plane and the camera pans to reveal nothing. He’s just waving to thin air. I hope he gets that on a major scale soon.

  2. Fattus: “It’s actually closer, closer to 95% love me, if you include Demonrats! All love me, I am the chosen … chosen one. I make the Best god!”

  3. **When he dies**, he will say he’s not dead, just sleeping, and that he will rise again soon, just like Jesus did.

    But because **God** loves him more than Jesus, he was brought into the world later, so he would only be crucified by the deep state Democrats, not the Romans — because they would mess up his hair.

    Although, he is pissed because the Republicans still haven’t brought him **incense and gold,** he demands that when he rises, they bring him more than anyone has ever been brought before!! and a few young ladies

  4. Well you see, he did actually remember something correct, it’s just that he misremembered a little teensy tiny bit at the end. It isn’t just “75%-80% of the country support Trump”, it’s “75%-80% of the country support Trump *going to jail already for his ludicrous amount of crimes*”. Don’t give’em too much flak though, easy mistake to make for someone with dementia, after all.

  5. Out of all my family members and their is several only 1 support him. And no one talks to her because, like most Trump supporters, she is off the wall crazy.

  6. Just grandpa teeing up the Big Lie 2.0. You know he’s hoping for widespread violence after he loses. He’s always betting against America.

  7. Like so many of his sentences, he just forgot to finish: 75-80 percent of the country support him…going to jail

  8. This is part of the conditioning of his base when he says the election was rigged and there’s no way he could have lost

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