Original irn bru pre recipe change!

Just realised I’ve got 72 can of the orange nectar made before the recipe change sitting in my shed (it’s actually lost its colour and very much clear now). It still tastes great.

Keep it for another 10 years and sell it to some irn bru fiend or just keep drinking it 🤣?

by GrouchyRanger596

  1. About 20 years ago, when I was roughly 14, me and a mate found an unopened but completely clear bottle of Irn Bru on the roof of a building we had climbed up onto in Kilmarnock.

    Thought it was very strange that it was clear but we dared each other to drink it as it was completely sealed. It just tasted exactly like Irn Bru.

    Is this something that happens to Bru after a while? Maybe just the old recipe. I’ve been wondering this ever since but never heard from anyone else about having a colourless Irn Bru experience.

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