Video from ru medics. ru soldier was wounded during artillery barrage. Now his wounds are filled with maggots

Video from ru medics. ru soldier was wounded during artillery barrage. Now his wounds are filled with maggots

by Creepy_Jeweler_1351

  1. Actually, the maggots are helping him. To be honest, if he has a chance to keep his legs it is mostly because of the maggots.

  2. Maggots from the field or are Russian medics using them as an old school way to clean wounds due to short supplies?

  3. Brother can we get an NSFW tag? Just casually scrolling during breakfast – here’s some maggot infested wounds for ya! (Yes I know what sub we’re on)

  4. How long does it take for the maggots to spread this much? I am asking this to estimate how long it could take until he got medical attention.

  5. Everyone comments about the maggots but no one comments on how SKINNY this man is. Freaking hell, he looks like a squeleton

  6. How long between when the injury occurred to where he is now? Seems he was stuck in the field for a long time with those injuries.

  7. It’s good. They are letting the maggots eat away the necrotic tissue and leaving behind only the healthy tissue. Maggots and leaches are used medically.

  8. This might sound fucked up but it is not uncommon for maggots to be left in festering wounds, because they eat the exposed necrotic tissue before the healthy tissue (Since it’s deeper).

    This is why you see these exact videos from doctors in less developed countries because they just let the maggots do their job for them, then scoop them out and treat the patient…

  9. Most orcs are full of maggots before they even go to die in Ukraine. That’s why we call them maggot brains.

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