stop killing games

stop killing games

by Alexander_Alexis

  1. While this would be great, aren’t most software purchases based on you buying a license to use the software rather than purchasing ‘property’?

  2. Petition link: [Stop Destroying Videogames](

    Ross Scott explaining in detail what it is about and its process:

    * [YT: Europeans can save gaming!(en)](
    * [Giant FAQ on The European Initiative to Stop Destroying Games!(en)](

    This initiative targets the EU and thus only EU citizens are allowed to vote, but if it passes it may also have positive effects worldwide.

    The initiative signing phase started on 31.07.2024 and lasts for a year. The goal is to collect 1.000.000 (valid) signatures and pass a quorum in at least 7 countries.

    As of “now” we have 340,193 signatures and passed the Quorum in ~~5~~ 6 countries (Denmark, Finland, Germany, Netherland, Poland and Sweden). ~~The Netherlands is close to passing with 98%.~~

    At this time things are looking good, but we still need at least 700.000 signatures – I am not sure what heppens if some signatures turn out as invalid – so make it 800.000. So if you have a friend that could be persuaded to sign, that would be great.

    The petition has been discussed a lot within the English speaking community and the petition always got a huge boost if a local gaming channel talked about the petition.

    edit: updated Netherlands

  3. I will say, never played the Crew or Anthem, but i got mine with Overwatch. Purchased a game i enjoyed, three times over infact (to have multiple multiplayer accounts, if you didn’t know), and overnight it got swapped for a dogshit.

  4. The problem is the Term “Playable State”.
    Way to vague. What does “Playable State” mean? Does the game simply need to boot? In that case most of the games already do what the petition wants. Does it need to have all of its release features accessible? Is it already enough if the game starts, but there are no servers/services to connect to? Is the game playable when im stuck in an empty lobby?
    This needs to be clearer.

  5. Why buy the games if you don’t agree with the terms?

    It tells you before you buy it for how long the servers will be up.

    There’s plenty of single player games out there that don’t require an internet connection.

  6. Never played The Crew, but is seems like an always-online game? As such the devs are never ever going to decide to “keep it going” after they decide not to.

    This potential legal change can only impact currently unreleased games – and games early in development at that. Still a great thing to accomplish, but lets not have much hope for current always-online games.

  7. I mean obviously, I wish this was the case. At the end of the day, what this will do is more F2P looking games with predatory P2W elements or timelocked heart systems and monthly subscription models to avoid anything that looks like a purchase of the game itself. Either that, or fulfilling the bare minimum of offline playability with a half-arsed campaign, or just a practice mode that offers barely any gameplay.

  8. Is it for real or some kind of scam to collect emails and personal data?

    Just asking before voting, no polemics

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