Strange days

Strange days

Posted by SecBalloonDoggies

  1. I don’t care who it is. Just vote against Trump.

    Having said that, this meme made me laugh pretty hard.

  2. Dick Cheney and Luz Cheney. Both right-wing maniacs. Liz voted 90% with Trump when she was still in office. Dick and his pals gave us the Project for a New American Century, a similar plan for the Nazification of the United States. We don’t need either of them anywhere near a government post again.

  3. Real people can admit when they’re wrong. And when the choice is between Neo-Nazi Fascists and actual Americans, it oughta be pretty clear. But the true Republicans’ endorsement speaks volumes. There is a distinct difference between true conservatives and Trumpublicans.

  4. Imagine! Dick Cheney and Jimmy Carter are voting for Harris! (Whoever is the other candidate must be WEIRD!)

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