Nikki Haley, asked if she thinks Trump is a “good candidate,” replies “I think he is the Republican nominee”

They just can't vote their conscious!! As much as I can't stand Dick Cheney, be Dick Cheney!

Posted by praguer56

  1. What a useless human being.

    She told the truth about trump during her campaign, but now that she lost, she’s willing to back the guy she said all of those true statements about.

    The woman has no spine or standards.

    She said, “He’s dangerous,” and “unfit for office” over and over and she was right.

    Now republican power is all that matters to her.

    Maybe “birdbrain” was more accurate than I thought.

  2. New Potential Boss: Would you say that this person was a good employee?

    Old Former Boss: They used to work here.

    It’s an attempt to avoid answering the question.

    I think Haley is a special kind of disappointment for me, for she does seem as if she’s smart enough to know better, sometimes says the right things, but then the pressure of the grift and desire for power take over, again and again. It makes her seem slightly more criminal. She IS criminal, and morally bankrupt.

  3. She is so two faced it makes me sick. I’m a republican and have not voted my party since prior to 2016 I saw Trump for what he was during his campaign. I vote for Dems all the way down the ballot now.
    I stay republican so I can vote in the primary in my state. It is closed. This way I can pick the lesser of the two evils.

  4. “ said she doesn’t always agree with former President Donald Trump’s communications, style or approach, but she backs his policies”

    And this is why she needs to be kept out of government. 

  5. With the first debate between Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris approaching Tuesday, Haley said she’s not advising the president, “and that’s his choice — whatever he decides to do with his campaign, he can do that.” But “should he ask, I’m happy to be helpful.”

  6. She’s a coward just like the rest. I don’t care what she says. She had a chance to do the right thing.

  7. She knows he’s a horrible nominee but doesn’t have the integrity to say so. I’m looking forward to all the republicans running back to the center when Trump loses. And their idiot supporters letting them do it.

  8. She’s a sell out and a yes man. Have lost all respect for her What’s funny about all the spineless politicians like her is when Frump loses in November they will all grow nuts and talk shit about him like never before cowards should of never let him in office.

  9. We are all going to suffer eventually in one way or another if trump gets back into power.

    The only good thing I can think of is living long enough to watch him punish each and every one of these spineless, two-faced, zero principled cowards.

    I imagine he will be acting as a king dictator, making examples out of them, maybe even live streaming to show off his power. The second Nimrata (because you know he will say her full name in that way, to point out that she’s not white) looks at him wrong, or outlives her usefulness, she’ll be gone.

  10. So you admit you can’t answer the question? Republicans love to claim that we only vote for Kamala because she isn’t Trump, but it’s not true, we actually like her.

  11. She is a coward and will never have a career in politics. She sold her soul instead of standing by her beliefs. She can just disappear.

  12. The irony that I see this in a Reddit called “Anything Goes” because that is EXACTLY what she is saying, so long as they have an R by their name, anything goes. I thought she was maybe a little different but she is just as much a partisan coward as the rest of then. 

  13. Nikki lost me when she put the party above the nation. I was excited to see her run and voted for her. Now she is a turncoat like Vance. Not going back till there is a Republican candidate that did not support Trump.

  14. There was a good chance she could of been the second woman president in 8 years, not anymore.

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