Not sure I agree with this

Not sure I agree with this

by goonerlwnds

  1. I don’t know if this implies that Fr*nce is normal, in which case this would be inaccurate as fuck

  2. Irish is accurate unless your a dub which means you metronome from one ends to the other with every breath.

  3. I’d put Belgians more right. They surpass the Germans often. The Flemish are far worse than Wallonians, though.

    Other than that, great list. Could use a few more smileys to help me understand how I should feel about it.

  4. Man, I wish I could get ADHD medication in Italy, I’d actually get something done while on amphetamines…

  5. There’s two kinds of autism, nordics don’t know how to talk to people and Germans get upset if the pencil on their desk is missaligned

  6. We aren’t the Autistic ones because we made lore for a few of autism’s favourite stuff

  7. 🗣️TAKE THAT SW*DEN, FINLAND NO.1 AS USUAL!!🇫🇮🇫🇮🎉oooAAAUUÖÖhh👽👽👽OogaBooganeedmymeds

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