‘We found nothing!’

‘We found nothing!’

Posted by Pumuckl4Life

  1. Exhibit A of why we need to not only elect Kamala, but we also need to win the House and hold the Senate.

    (D) to go forward, (R) to go in reverse

  2. Prime example of the Do Nothing Congress. A waste of taxpayer $$$$ & time. Claw back their pay & VOTE them out!

  3. I always wonder if Gym Jordon got an oversized chin implant, or if he was born with a square head.

  4. We’re impeaching Biden!


    That’s why we are impeaching him, to find out! – Republicans

  5. They maga republicans are apparently now “investigating” Gov. Walz because he apparently likes dogs and loves his wife and kids and they can’t have any of that.

  6. Wouldn’t that mean that her first term would be a couple of months and she would only be eligible for one more term? I think they stopped because each report had no findings, and their constituents don’t care about Biden anymore

  7. Trust me, they still haven’t realized that. They probably think Trump would become President for some reason.

  8. Eugh! Gym is, even by Ohio standards, an unhealthy hue of hwhyte. It’s that grey cast I guess. Probably comes from all the hate he’s got under his skin.

  9. Honestly an impeachment and conviction, if pulled off would be the best thing for trump’s campaign. It would force Harris to be tied to a lot of policies and issues the White Hiuse is facing right now that Harris is able to shrug off as the VP. It would also prevent her from campaigning as often, lessening the contrast between the high and low energy campaigns. The impeachment they might have the votes for, the convicting not so much

  10. If you could harvest all the brainpower in this picture, you couldn’t power a damn thing.

  11. Impeaching Biden and making Harris take over as president would mean she could only serve one term after that, so that would be a big win for them…

  12. I’m surprised they aren’t going for it gusto right now. Get Biden out after the election but before the inauguration. Then in 2028 they will claim she has already served 2 terms. I’m quite sure the law wouldn’t stop her but when has what laws say ever mattered to Republicans?

  13. The 118th Congress is the least productive congress since The Great Depression. MAGA cronies have made such a mockery of our systems and have held congress hostage preventing any progress from happening because of the partisan and culture wars. An absolute disgrace.

  14. This isn’t the flex you think it is

    It’s like the Tim Scott commercial ” I’m the candidate the left is afraid of”

    If half the country is afraid of you, you’re doing something wrong

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