This Is How the Russian Army Acts in Ukraine @VisualPolitikEN

This Is How the Russian Army Acts in Ukraine @VisualPolitikEN

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In this video, we are going to witness terrible things. We will understand the cruelty of war, the suffering of hundreds of thousands, even millions of people, and why the Ukrainians are not willing to give up. It is a raw video, but we had to make it.

#Ukraine #Russia #Putin

  1. You seem to be giving the Russians more credit than they deserve. Defense Updates has talked about the numerous shortcomings of Russian weaponry and how inferior it is to western weapons

  2. I condemn war crimes by my country (if any of this is true), but how about you be objective and make a video about west funded war crimes by Ukrainians in Donbass? Or this wouldn’t fit your agenda?

  3. it was always like this, they are having roots in asian tribes that were cruel and merciless, XXI century did not change anything, mind chechnia, georgia, afghanistan, even great hunger and mass murders around II WW, it is ALWAYS the same from russian hordes

  4. This is very important video to remind horrific crimes committed by the Russians. I hope the US will finally lift restrictions on the long-rage weapons and the whole West must double down its military support of Ukraine!

  5. It's really nice to see Russia's war crimes receive more attention.
    The Russian army has done these things multiple times over the decades, from Afghanistan, to Chechnya, Georgia and Syria.
    Indiscriminate bombings and deliberate targeting of civilians is their most common tactic.
    Even right now you have Wagner group mercenaries responsible for massacres and brutality in multiple African conflicts.

  6. Attacks should be limited to military targets
    You name it, but dont say it
    Ukraine uses civilian infrastructure like hospitals and schools for military purposes like stationing SAM there, so it should be no wonder them getting targets for Russia.
    Destroying the entire water supply of the crim by ukraine is also no crime for you, or?

  7. The ICC is not a legitimate court and how no powers in Russia. Everyone can see that this court is a political institution and therefor it doesn't have the authority to do anything about their arrest warrants. Using the warrant from the ICC as proof of anything is just bad logic.

  8. War itself is a crime where both these countries are involved. What the hell is war crime ? & if its the actual thing then where is your video on Israel vs Gaza ?

  9. Really? NATO violence? The last war NATO was involved in was in 1995. Russia, meanwhile, in 1992-1993, they occupied Transnistria. In 1992-1993, Russia provoked the Abkhazian war. 1994-1996 is the first Russian-Chechen war, 1999-2009 – second Russian-Chechen war, 2008 – Russian-Georgian war, 2015-2022 – Russia’s invasion of Syria, and they've been occupying Ukrainian lands since 2014. They are the worst and yet they want to act like nato are the aggressors.

  10. "Russia is trying to destroy Ukraine"… all they have achieved is making Ukraine stronger, harder, more unified and greater than ever. It may be unfortunately several more years but in the end Ukraine Will WIN!!! :flag_ua: Slava Ukraini!

  11. There are a few youtube channels that make videos daily on the Ukraine war and how Ukrainians are taking less losses while steadily gaining ground in Russia. Russia really is the 2nd best military in Ukraine, not the world.

  12. If it wasn't for countries like USA and sadly my shot country England (UK) then this war would have been over ages ago. Don't know why everyone is helping Ukraine it's there war let them fight there own battles.

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