Turns out we also made the pyramids and shit. You’re welcome world.

Turns out we also made the pyramids and shit. You’re welcome world.

by pocaSperanza

  1. Read the article. The strong connection points to middle eastern genetics (pre-turk Anatolia, todays Levante).

    So yeah he is either holding goat milk or Ayran.

  2. This reminds of a video, I have seen years ago. People like Erich von Däniken (still alive as I happened to find out just now googleing him, I thought he died years ago) always claimed, the work on pyramids couldn’t have been done, with the tools they have had in ancient Egypt.

    I this video a logistic-officer of the Bundeswehr explained how this was easily done, explaining that the egyptians indeed were very good in logistics.

  3. Early humans left Africa. Got to the middle east and Europe, saw it sucked, and then noped the fuck back to Africa.

    Sounds about right.

  4. I thought modern day Egyptians are to a large degree of Arab (as in Arababian peninsula) descent. Which is also kinda non-African, and certainly east of the Mediterranean, though more south east than the Levante, or Anatolia

  5. East of Mediterranean sea are not blue eyed white people 😆…but Mediterranean is indeed the superior rscd that’s why northerners pay us money ,once again PIGS DOMINANCE

  6. Egypt (and rest of the Levantine) has historically had a Mediterranean population. I don’t know why that’s a surprise to people that ancient Egyptians shared DNA with other Mediterranean peoples.

  7. I bet the grandma of someone in the US can tell those german scientists how they were in the area 4500 years ago.

  8. It means Greek not Italian. Once again everything Italy is proud of is actually Greek or French

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