Somehow this doesn’t feel like normal September weather…

Somehow this doesn’t feel like normal September weather…

by mludd

  1. Bullshit I remember September was always like that even like 20 years ago! Sometimes even worse than now

  2. Our highest temp this year in Northern Ireland was yesterday, which was just 27 degrees lol

  3. Again with the colors, only Iceland is yellow to green, with almost winter temperatures for most of the map…

    I wonder why no one believes the media anymore…

  4. we’re barely out of august, this is pretty normal august weather lol

    this is not to deny climate change ofc but it’s just stupid to pretend this doesn’t happen in september

  5. Don’t know about Northern Europe, but in Mediterranean countries these have been normal early September temperatures for as long as I can remember.

    So no, it absolutely feels like normal September weather.

  6. All the people here that say it’s normal. Maybe somewhere but in general it is not. No denying that.
    The global-average temperature for the past 12 months (September 2023 – August 2024) is the highest on record for any 12-month period, at 0.76°C above the 1991–2020 average and 1.64°C above the 1850–1900 pre-industrial average.

  7. It’s literally colder than it was in most of August in Perth, Western Australia. Seems super weird with winter technically over.

  8. Portuguese summer was a disappointment temperature wise. Probably in October we will go to the beach while rest of Europe is turning on the heater. Fuck global warming.

  9. Big deal. Climate zones are moving upwards from the equator. There’s rain in southern Sahara now.

  10. I feel like the colours on this photo are misleading. Why would you put red on a 25 degrees area?

  11. I live in Sofia, and every time I see this temperature update I always wonder where the heck they take the temperature from here. Sofia seems to always be this blip on the heat map where temperatures are 10-15 degrees lower. 12 or 7 degrees? Really? It was 27 today.

  12. As a Finn its actually insane to me that we have been having +25 degrees and it doesnt seem to stop. Not normal. Trees are still mostly green and my some of my outdoor plants are blooming for the third time.

  13. Oh cool. I’m at 1000 m in Norway and it’s warmer here than in northern Spain or western France.

  14. South Coast of Finland is about 22°C now, at about 7 pm, and I’m sitting comfortably at a bar terrace in my shorts. I don’t remember if these temperatures are actually above normal, but it kinda feels like it actually should be a bit rainy and windy at this time. But I’m not complaining, at all. Last year, winter came early, and felt soo damn long, so I’m taking these warm sunny days and enjoying them.

  15. Thank God someone said there’s no such thing as climate change so this is all just my imagination. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  16. 30 degrees in Hamburg, Germany can happen around this time of year. What I find strange is that leaves have begun turning yellow in mid of August. This usually happens end of September or October.

  17. Good thing is that this is the coldest summer we have a chance to feel in next 10-20 years if we have a chance to live through more 😂

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