Trump biopic that shows him assaulting first wife will be released in US before election

Trump biopic that shows him assaulting first wife will be released in US before election

Trump biopic that shows him assaulting first wife will be released in US before election

Posted by Postnews001

  1. Who gives a shit? It’s a fucking movie. It’s going to bomb because people who like trump won’t want to see him portrayed unfavorably. And why would everyone else go see a movie about a man that they despise? Everyone knows all of this shit about him already…

  2. This may be a big problem. His supporters are so stupid they can’t distinguish the things they see on a screen from reality (though he definitely did that shit).

  3. MAGA won’t be swayed… once he condemns it they won’t watch it…if they did, they wouldn’t believe it

  4. At this point we just need someone to drop a fermented jar of diarrhea on him from above, and we will be all set.

  5. It will be the most streamed at home movie EVER. No one will want to go see this in the theater because we need to fear the violent MAGAt revolt it will trigger.

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