Although, hoping that the debate lifts America out of this 8 year long insanity.

Although, hoping that the debate lifts America out of this 8 year long insanity.

Posted by JulietAlfaTango

  1. Trump is it ok with you if she wears heels? Please tell us because we simply can’t make a decision unless you tell us what we can or cannot do.

  2. I imagine that he uses this to bring really tall podiums and it causes kamala struggle to look over it to the cameras.

  3. I definitely think tRump should be drug tested. Like he pushed to have President Biden tested.

  4. Can we get trump in front of one of those convenience store height markers? I’m guessing he doesn’t break 6’-0” without heels.

  5. Harris needs a suitable nickname Donald. How about, “liar liar pants on fire Don” “Don the con” is the alternative but the liar one is much more accurate.

  6. Why? HE isn’t making the rules..just thinks he does…EVERYTHING he does is about HIS production, HIS expectations…

  7. Remember when he got shot and his inserts fell out of his shoes like rings out of sonic?

  8. On first scan I thought he was complaining about the Democrats cheating him by not allowing lifts.

  9. This is why I always write in Moses Brown of the Portland Trailblazers on every ballot. I believe we should go almost exclusively by height.

  10. So this means he has agreed on a drug test before the debate, no enhancement, “you are who you are.”

    It is my belief that the reason he is always late to his rallies is they have to wait for right chemical cocktail to work so he can function.

  11. I think the candidates’ stated and actual heights should be listed as well. Same goes for weight

  12. Does he think calling her “comrade” is a burn? It is what that magats will parrot, but will it get him any new voters?

  13. He thinks this is what matters.

    It’s like his childish “dominating” handshake, where he weirdly yanks the person towards him, as if the point of a handshake is to convey contempt.

  14. Lol, “you are who you are,” says Donald. Calling everyone else who he is, and projects like it’s going out of style.

    The same old, same old is who you are. I’m getting tired of it, too.

  15. I’m glad we can all agree how ridiculous and absurd this sounds. I suppose there’s some truth in the fact that voters like taller candidates.

    Now, America, the other part of the bargain is this: are we really going to allow our votes to be swayed towards candidates because of their height? Did we peak at a grade 2 level of democracy where the tallest kid was most likely to be voted class president?

    As outrageous and silly as this Truth Social post is, Donald Trump is holding up a mirror. It’s embarrassing, and we should be embarrassed. It’s not a good look on the quality of this democracy’s participants.

  16. The guy who had to go back and get his shoes after getting shot in the ear can’t help but mention “lifts” over and over, he is just one big Freudian slip.

  17. I hope Kamala hits back with a more ridiculous statement. “No absorbent garments allowed.”

  18. Men are generally taller than women. This is only an issue when you have short men like desantis involved. He still has no idea who he’s actually running against now.

  19. He wouldn’t be using the word “lift” if he wasn’t very familiar with the concept of lifts. Imagine being ~6 ft tall (which is much taller than most) and being so self-conscious about your height that you put lifts in your shoes. This man is the softest man in the world.

  20. “You are who you are”

    – Guy who has the weirdest combover to avoid baldness, spray tans himself to avoid looking old, wears shoe lifts to avoid being smaller, and wears larger suits to appear skinnier

  21. Because VP Harris is embarrassed that she is a petite woman? Does this idiot actually think that’s true? She knows who she is. We know who she is. A petite, brilliant, educated and strong woman who is gonna kick the tallish orange old man’s electoral ass in November this closing off the last exit he had to squirm out of his many criminal convictions ( current and future)

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