Conservative activist Joe Oltmann fined $1,000 a day until he discloses evidence to court – “Oltmann is being sued by a former Dominion Voting Systems employee following claims that the 2020 election was rigged in favor of President Joe Biden. Oltmann has refused to answer questions in court.”

Conservative activist Joe Oltmann fined $1,000 a day until he discloses evidence to court – “Oltmann is being sued by a former Dominion Voting Systems employee following claims that the 2020 election was rigged in favor of President Joe Biden. Oltmann has refused to answer questions in court.”

Posted by HeHateMe337

  1. Imagine being such a crazy MAGA you’re willing to eat 1k a day to keep a blatant lie alive. The height of mental illness.

  2. Reminds me of Comer and his, *”Evidence is coming soon, we’re just getting started.”* And then, nothing. Grown adults should know better.

  3. Another loser willing to risk everything to promote the great lie… that Trump really won the 2020 election……he deserves everything coming to him.

  4. What reason does he have to hide evidence that his Messiah won?

    “It’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for ’em.”

  5. Refusing to answer questions about your slanderous statements makes it pretty easy for the judge to decide if they’re slanderous

  6. Tick tock fuck face

    Time to put up or stop undermining the electoral confidence of our nation

  7. He’s in contempt. The $1k/day is the classic coercive civil contempt sanction.

    What’s he hiding?

  8. Money doesn’t mean anything to Conservative activists because they have a neverending sugar daddy named Vladimir!

  9. While I think it’s been taking too long, I really do enjoy the finding out phase for these right wing assholes.

  10. These kind of fines should be multiplicative or exponential. $1000 day 1

    Then $2000


    At some point you will break them

  11. “Dominion rigged the election for Biden, and I have evidence of it!”

    “Okay. Produce it for us.”

    “No. I’d rather pay $1000 a day to not show it. For reasons.”

  12. Bankrupting itself for the cult.

    Little does he know Trump isn’t going to pay any of his fines..

  13. It should escalate. $1K/day for the first week, $2K a day the second week, $4K/day the third week ….

  14. Not being conversant with the many nuances of the US legal system, am wondering if the absolute end-game here some kind of incarceration if he continues in the same vein?

  15. “wE hAvE tEh EVIDENCE!!!!1!1!!1”

    Ok, show it to us in court

    “No!! NevAr!! YoU hAvE tO tRuSt mE BrO!!”

  16. None of these morons believe that the 2020 election was rigged for Biden. Not even trump. Why keep telling this lie?

  17. Just a thought.. It’s a little dark, though. When WW2 ended, thousands of German people ( not the military) killed their children and committed suicide. They were so far down the rabbit hole of the Hitler cult that they committed familcide. I guess there’s more accounts of this happening in human history. So if Trump loses or eventually when he dies. His cult followers may just do this because they can’t think for themselves. So if you’re still friends with Maga people, and still like them. Keep an eye on them in the next few years. If you hate Maga, don’t rejoice. Just send thought and prayers, and get over it

  18. MAGA is a lot of things, not a single one of them good in any conceivable way, but above all MAGA are COWARDS. Cowardice has a hand in every single one of their actions. 

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