Has Russia’s war on Ukraine morphed into a veritable high-risk ‘proxy war’ involving nuclear powers?

Has Russia’s war on Ukraine morphed into a veritable high-risk ‘proxy war’ involving nuclear powers?

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy is appealing to its Western allies to not only allow their weapons to be used for strikes deep inside Russia, but also supply Kyiv with more long-range arms that could easily strike Russia’s military bases. Ukraine has long urged partners to allow it to fire Western weapons at targets far into enemy territory, and those calls have grown louder as Russian airstrikes on Ukrainian energy installations, other infrastructure and residential buildings intensify. As Ukraine continues its military counter-incursion and Russia maintains relentless attacks on Ukraine across the country, FRANCE 24’s Delano D’Souza is joined by Dr Patrick Bury, Senior Lecturer in Security in the Politics, Languages & International Studies (PoLIS) department, at the University of Bath, specialising in warfare and counter-terrorism.
#Ukraine #Russia #interview

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  1. I feel sorry for Ukraines to allowing US and nato to install an puppet dj comedian as a leader who in the world does that now look wats happening to them of they continue to leave zelensky like this I'm sorry zelensky will sacrifice them all jus to please daddy US and dull EU members who allow US to dictate wats gud and bad for their own territory, wen a nuclear starts it will neva affect US but Europe esp the EU nations who puppetry Nato bloc for the US. Europe is burning everywhere and they still listen to America to continue suffering Europe thru Ukraine and Russia while US is stable and economically pushing up investments to US as investors fear the war in Europe wil lead to a broader war to nuclear war. How can they even think Ukraine will win against common sense has left EU and US is leading the downfall Europe, if US loved Ukraine they wud hve send their solders long back and come to the defense of Ukraine as they do to Israel they neva even hesitate to give Israel weapons even if it's fighting unarmed civilians and the whole world watches this but US is neva looking back to wateva the world is saying all they do is jus defend and listen to Israel unconditionally while Ukraine is been told and given limits on how they defend themselves and stupid Ukraine even agrees to it and laughs that US loves them while they are told neva to attack Russia and the EU even followed suite to wat US says and did, now EU is out of aid and weapons to help Ukraine and all they can do is sit and look to US if they can aid Ukraine, EU is broke to the extent of stealing Russian assets and money inorder to give Ukraine bcz in their own countries they are left with nothing to steal and jus waiting for the US to make any move or aid to Ukraine, Europe nolonger has anything more to offer to Ukraine even in words or prayers so they sold Ukraine to US and now US is taking advantage to destroy cripple EU economy so that it maintains its superiority of Europe. All European countries maybe 30 or so makes only 20 % or so of nato budget while 70% is been given by only one nation the US clearly shows how Europeans are dump its why all world wars will happen in Europe and not America or anywhere. Now they sanctioned themselves as they were ordered by US to sanction Russia but it's where they get their daily dinner from how stupid and dumbness is that, Russia is economically growing in a war situation more than the whole Europe and Europe is in recession due to sanctions they gave themselves to Russia thru been ordered by dady US how can u explain that in economics. Europe has to free itself from US if they ever want peace in Europe or all world wars will continue happening there and restarting their economies again and again while US neva stops growing so they will neva catch up with the US even a million years decades. Ukraine will neva win this war look for a peaceful way coming to senses and make a peace agreement period otherwise Ukraine and Europe will seize to exist in years to come.

  2. If Ukraine cannot continue fighting without endless western support, it's about time for the sane minds in the world to start thinking about how to get Russia and Ukraine to start negotiating and achieve cease fire.

  3. Russia is a large country with different ethnics that live side by side. Ukraine is a country with the east and the west that dislike each other, the west has ties with polish culture and the east has ties with Russian culture.

  4. How do you continue to fight in a war where your two hands are tied behind your back; where you can only get hit but needs someone else approval before you can hit back? Going to war because someone promises to support you is DUMB thing to do.

  5. Polite reminder: Russia has not declared full blown war on Ukraine. Otherwise kyiv will not be standing as it does and elensky will either be exiled, in a bunker or dead. Remember the shock and awe and how Saddam ended.

  6. Selenskyj is waging an impossible war!!!..He must stop asking the West for money and start negotiating..Russia has already taken 20% of Ukraine and is still moving forward

  7. I have a fear that life on earth (as we know it) may quickly be brought to an abrupt end by a some small ignorant, careless, unimportant, obscure comedian like Zelensky after having ignited a nuclear fuse between very powerful nuclear nations like Russia and the USA. All of us would pay for his stupidity. It is my honest fear. Perhaps that is how God punish a very sinful, wicked and evil world that we live in. A modern Sodom and Gomorrah type of annihilation.

  8. Honestly Zelensky made a big mistake not taking the deal earlier. US literally told him not to and see the repercussions. I don’t believe anything from US anymore. Always destruction and conflict everywhere.

  9. They were duped into this proxy war. No amount of ammunition will help Ukraine. There's a simple reason why they can't use those weapons, yet you act like you don'y no why. Is Ukraine a NATO member?

  10. So sad to see a once soverign country beg from their western masters. They were free and indipendant but chose to stab their neighbour in the back. Russia has every right to defend it's self from NATO.

  11. The U.S. would rather help a free and independent country when that country is invaded. Of course it will become a "proxy war", but that's only temporary as Ukraine is paving the way to Moscow for NATO forces (including U.S. troops). A handful of years from now Moscow and other major Russian cities will no longer be under the control of the current Russian leadership. NATO will surround these currently Russian cities (if these cities have not been destroyed by nuclear means), and take control of the Russian "bear".

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