I mean you could literally show them and they would still deny it

I mean you could literally show them and they would still deny it

Posted by Next_Airport_7230

  1. They’re already comparing it to the 1st Russian interference investigation (as if Trump didn’t fire the head of the FBI and his own Attorney General to make sure that the people in charge could downplay the report).

  2. But you have to remember that Trump considers Putin to be his mentor and trusted their security services more than his own FBI and CIA.

  3. Is anyone doing anything about it?

    Are there any investigations?

    Is anyone getting fined or going to jail?

    Is the Federal Elections Commission doing anything about foreign interference in our elections?

    Is the Department of Justice cracking down on all of this Russian interference?


    Okay just checking.

    So it looks like our judicial system is completely complicit in all of this Russian money being part of our elections, and nothing’s going to be done, so all of these headlines are meaningless, am I right?

    Our journalists could go on TV right now, and say Putin is a rockstar and we should all be funding him, and it’s a disgrace that America isn’t sending bombs to Russia to fight the awful terrorists of Ukraine, and we need to vote for Trump to ensure the safety of Russia for the future, and absolutely nothing will be done about any of it, right?

    Just checking because that’s the way it’s been for the past decade and I just want to make sure that none of us have any expectations that anything will be done about any of this.

  4. I’d bet 80% of trump people roll their eyes every time Russia comes up involving trump. They think the Russian thing is all bullshit, because the was “no collusion” – not realizing that was a smaller part of a larger investigation to find out how much Russian had attacked us. But since they found no collusion, trump people think it’s all bullshit.

    When it is not, Russia continues to this second to control our elections

  5. Republicans are well trained to only listen to their Dear Leader. Everything else is…


  6. You can tell them the sun rises from the east and if Trump or Fox News disagrees, so will they. It’s the post-reality era for them

  7. I think it’s important to now enumerate the positions these people were pushing. The people they’ve influenced need to know exactly what they were being groomed to believe and feel.

  8. “But Whattabout… (insert untrue, irrelevant comparison to something from 20 years ago)”

    End of thought.

  9. Fox execs and employees admitted to fabricating and spreading lies about the 2020 election and paid 3/4 of a $billion so they wouldn’t have to say it out loud in court.

    Trump’s Attn Gen said in sworn testimony that he told Trump he lost the election fair and square.

    These are only two of the hundreds of lies told by conservative leaders to their conservative followers that those followers know are lies.

    Don’t expect reason or logic or morality. At the leadership level conservative politics is about keeping taxes low for the wealthy. At the grass-roots level conservative politics is a list of imaginary grievances and a burning desire for violent retribution for stuff that never happened.

  10. “MSM is biased” – right wingers

    “Yes but not in the way you think” – everyone else

  11. Can someone link to the evidence from a non-biased source? I like to deliver these things to my parents from time to time.

  12. Putin himself could sit them down, and show them the bot farm that supplies the tweets they regurgitate, and the contracts Tim Poole and the other grifters signed, and they still wouldn’t believe it.

  13. They’re constantly in this state of blindness for damn near every issue where they’re proven wrong.

  14. Now they’re to the point of just saying “they now and don’t care” it’s literally their only play now so they don’t look even worse I guess?

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