Trump Explodes at Cheneys After They Endorse Harris, Blames Pelosi For J6 in Truth Social Meltdown

Trump Explodes at Cheneys After They Endorse Harris, Blames Pelosi For J6 in Truth Social Meltdown

Trump Explodes at Cheneys After They Endorse Harris, Blames Pelosi For J6 in Truth Social Meltdown

Posted by inewser

  1. It’s a sad state of affairs that the race is essentially tied despite these outbursts. I feel like our standard as a country have severely deteriorated since he entered our politics as a major force.

  2. It’s so interesting that Syphilis Diapii uses the word “commie” to insult Harris, as if his idol Putin weren’t the biggest and baddest Commie in the world (maybe except for Xi).

    I wonder if the average maga knows that Russia is a communist country and Putin is a “Commie”.

  3. Darth Cheney will ask Trump if he wants to go hunting with him. Maybe a round of golf in a mine field………..

  4. This should be the party split into maga and old gop, Dick should suggest that and get it going. Dems are glad to have votes from people the magas call rinos, and they don’t have to agree on policies, just vote Blue! 🙂

  5. As George Will said in 2015. “Hold your nose and vote for Hillary”. We’ll get them next time.

  6. I see he has shifted back to “j6 was a dem false flag” after wanting to host an award ceremony for “j6 patriots” last week

  7. Well, according to Trump, every politician who doesn’t support him has always lost by the “largest margin in history”. 🤪

  8. Does anybody know of a good documentary or a montage of all the illegal corrupt and cruel things Trump has done?

  9. No matter how many times it’s proven that Pellosi was not responsible for security trump lies and lies and his idiot perpetuate it

  10. I used to be a republican 20 years ago, then I switched to being a democrat. Tired of republican stupid nonsense!

  11. I am going to buy stock in heinz at this point, he must be going through vast amounts of it.

  12. If Pelosi is behind Jan 6, then why has Trump vowed to pardon the convicted Jan 6th bois?

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