Willful ignorance.

Willful ignorance.

Posted by Javasndphotoclicks

  1. Remember when misspelling “potato” was enough to derail your political career? Or yelling “yeehah!” Or whatever the fuck Al Franken did.

  2. If (heaven forbid) trump gets back in the white house, will he have to go around and notify his neighbors?

  3. The “party of law & order” is voting for a 34x felon with a dizzying array of criminal indictments, including stealing national secrets & trying to overthrow the government.

    The Qult is voting for a sex offender.


  4. So, maybe, 30 percent of Americans “only” means slightly less than half of probable voters. Maybe.

    It’s gonna be close but remember Harris (and Biden) beat him before. So there’s that.

  5. MAGA loses their minds for Hunter Biden’s gun and tax convictions. And he’s not a president or running for office. But, tRump is their savior? 🤦🏼

  6. Adjudicated sex offender. That means he totally did it but doesn’t have to be punished for it.

  7. Personally, I think the fact that he is an incompetent fraudster who tried to stage a coup and overthrow a democratic system to become a dictator matters more in the big picture.

  8. It’s not ignorance, they are willfully voting for hate and treason. Republican voters are made up of the worst examples of humans on the planet.

  9. isn’t it amazing that republicunts isn’t even concerned right now because they know, their god trump, still has a chance in winning due to the electoral college. conservative view is extremely unpopular yet they’re emboldened by their wannabe dictator and lord god trump.

  10. Who is obsessed with crowd sizes, the ethnicity of his opponent, claims he loves guns, but hides behind bullet proof glass. Finding a positive thing to say about Trump is like trying to pick up a turd from the clean end.

  11. Republicans have been taught for 35 years that the democrats are enemies above any other possible enemy. Now they behave like it

  12. People supporting sexual predators and pedophiles be like:


  13. Even if he were the most successful and competent person, his list of immoral acts should disqualify him. This is bigger than we will know for years.

  14. OP: rages against willful ignorance

    Also OP: intentionally posts factually incorrect information because it sounds better

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