Trump issues ‘cease and desist’ against any Democrat engaging in election ‘skullduggery’

Trump issues ‘cease and desist’ against any Democrat engaging in election ‘skullduggery’

Posted by Advanced_Drink_8536

  1. Does ‘skullduggery’ include attempting to overthrow the democratically-elected government?

  2. I think we, the people, should all file a cease and desist on all public officials once they reach 78 to go away and finally disappear into the sunset.

  3. Does this do ANYTHING but project ? Goebbel’s famous “accuse the other of that which you are guilty” is not actually a Commandment, and won’t work if you do it ALL the time.

  4. Sure, Waddles. Everyone cheats but you. Daffy Don, the world’s most, and only, honest man. He simply cannot tell a lie. If he loses the election, it obviously had to be rigged, because who wouldn’t vote for the most honest man in the world? Remember, everything is a huge lie, and only Blubber Rump is honest enough to give it to you straight.

  5. While we’re at it, there shall be no shenanigans, brouhahas, rigmaroles, or kerfuffles from these Democratic whippersnappers!

  6. Issues cease and desist? This is like Michael Scott saying “I Declare… Bankruptcy!!!”

  7. Your cease and desist mean as much as Trump bucks, and I wouldn’t even wipe my @$$ with that.
    Old weird convicted fellon trying to order us around.

  8. Right, now is the perfect time for Biden to concur and issue an executive order against election interference with extreme prejudice.

  9. Whew, I’ve only engaged in some light Tomfoolery, I haven’t made it up the ranks to skullduggery yet.

  10. “Never before seen/never seen before”…the guy has this collection of topics and transitions he uses in every speech. Not a ton of em, but enough for his brain to string together for a few minutes and make some word soup.

  11. Coming from the same guy who thinks the Dems winning fair is cheating and MAGA winning by cheating is fair game. Good luck with that, Donald Duck von Shitzinpantz.

  12. Oh no! Not a sternly worded letter that I can throw in the trash with no penalty of any kind!

  13. By skullduggery, he means voting for someone who isn’t him. I aim to get up to some skullduggery. Is anyone with me?

  14. Hey Donorrhea Von Shitznpants !? Why don’t you issue a “cease and desist” against the actual people engaged in skullduggery. You know, your ass eating magat pond scum!

  15. Sounds like another posing episode. Setting things up so that when he loses he can contest and collect donations from all his devotees for another four years.

  16. >Trump claimed that he, “together with many Attorneys and Legal Scholars,” is “watching the Sanctity of the 2024 Presidential Election very closely.”

    Many Legal Scholars, with tears in their eyes, . . .

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