Nato no-fly zone above Ukraine a ‘serious option’

Nato no-fly zone above Ukraine a ‘serious option’

Nato imposing a no-fly zone over western Ukraine is a serious option that has probably been discounted too early, according to a former senior RAF officer.

Moscow has recently stepped up its drone and missile attacks on Ukraine’s towns and cities, targeting key infrastructure and utilities as the country heads into winter.

In turn, Poland announced it had the right to shoot down any Russian missile over Ukraine that was heading towards its borders – and Air Marshal (Retired) Greg Bagwell said Nato should do the same.


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  1. Yes, 100%. Ukrainian airspace is Ukrainian sovereign airspace. The West would have to run the risk of the Russians engaging western aircraft, but the Russians wouldn’t cross that line.

  2. Putin has helped himself to what he wants, when he wants, regardless of cost to others, for years. He won't stop voluntarily. He will have to be stopped. It's time to take the kid gloves off and make him realise that the rest of the world has had enough of him.

  3. Why all the negative comments about Western leaders? They're treading a very difficult line of helping Ukraine whilst averting nuclear escalation.
    It's easy to say they're cowards or spineless when actually they've been steadily supplying weapons and funds to Ukraine without us all being dead.
    Could and should they do more? Yes, but it has to be on their own terms, not Zelensky or Putin's terms….too much too soon is way more dangerous than not quite enough, but just in time.

  4. That's the pettiness of modern society: it's Ukrainian air space and if Ukraine give permission to that there is no other "if" or doubts. Why nobody was raising similar question while downing rockets over Israel previously this year? Does everyone still (after incursion on Kursk) afraid of "red-lines"???

  5. Britain should allow our guys to say wether they want to go into Ukraine, because my son in British army intelligence says they would vote to go help Ukraine.

  6. Russia winning obviously not as terrifying to our leaders as Russia disintegrating into a mass of separate Nuclear armed states . So Ukraine pays the price It is fairly plain even to a civilian that Putin's forces are no real match , just like those in the former Yugoslavia where NATO planes engaged Serbian forces We do like our standards doubled

  7. I say yes. B. Because it is right. A. Because for the sake of optics I “determined” that those weapons could possibly reach and therefore threaten other countries including NATO countries.

    And in that order.

    Done and said.

    Please follow through.

  8. I think Poland has every right as they boarder Ukraine and we should give them resources to do so, however if nato as a whole decide they need to shoot down in western Ukraine this could escalate quickly. Weapons heading for Poland quite possibly are not intentional ie an attack on Poland/nato but still need stopping however nato stopping incoming weapons could be deemed an act of aggression needing a response rather than Poland just protecting there boarder

  9. You think Russia is LIBYA or Irag who are the NATO, real Nonsense impossible Comments ,it can never happen not with Russia you can do in the middle East and Africa not in Russia backyard take your Nato Nonsense out of here

  10. If Ukraine wishes for it, then why not? It’s their airspace, if they want another nation to assist in defending it, it’s within their right.

  11. Unfortunately for many commenters below cheering for a "No Fly Zone" fail to understand what it means: NATO Pilots will directly engage in aerial combat with the Russian Armed Forces.
    A No Fly Zone means WWIII.

  12. Why we bothering….. Ukraine is not part of nato. The west has been mucking about in Ukraine, folk are on the ground and western weapons by the boat load are there.

  13. This war would possibly have been over long ago if Western leadership especially the Biden admin wasn't so weak. From my understanding Jake Sullivan has been the one denyong long range weapons from the start. Scared of a no fly zone or allowing Atacms missiles used on the Russian assets. Everytime the Ukrainians could have made a devastating strike on Russian bases or assets no one wanted to allow it. Then they slowly started but it was too late, Russia had been warned and pulled back. Ukraine cannot win without the proper weapons. Basically, the west is only pretending they want to win or are just playing games at the moment. When I say leadership I mean the absent leadership from the Biden admin.

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