Yesterday’s away game in the Ice Hockey Champions League for the Eisbären Berlin in Oświęcim (Auschwitz). That was the welcome.

Yesterday’s away game in the Ice Hockey Champions League for the Eisbären Berlin in Oświęcim (Auschwitz). That was the welcome.

by Gwallagoon

  1. Technically not wrong.

    …even though the black-red-gold tricolour has traditionally been a symbol of democratic German states; the Nazis outlawed the usage of this flag as early as 1933.

  2. lol I’m guessing the organizers will get in some trouble for letting that one through

  3. Quite ironic, considering the fact that modern Germans did a much more better job in dealing with their past than most Poles… (Because there definitly wasn’t any polish antisemitism, and Poles defininitly didn’t denunciate any Jews to the Germans… or murdered Jews when they came home from the concentration camps…)

  4. that’s the grimmest thing i’ve ever seen at a CHL match, usually nobody cares enough to even be offensive

  5. It’s a shame they colored the text in black-red-gold, as these are the colors of free, democratic germany. If they associate modern germans with nazi germany, what is germany supposed to do? It’s also disgusting because german school classes visit Auschwitz and other death camps at least once, so it’s not like germans deny anything.

  6. “_Your_ biggest crime” and then they use BRD colors. My grandparents were not even in school back then.

    I would just ignore it and have fun. The German team won 4:1.

    _Sie sind die Könige auf dem ewigen Eis_

  7. Apparently people are playing hockey to a far more advanced age than I would have expected.

  8. I hate how some people in this country are trying to demonize a modern and changed Germany simultaneously closing their eyes on Russia

  9. Obviously the death camp in Auschwitz and the Holocaust in general were a german crime and operated by germans. A banner like this does imply some people in Poland think germans see it otherwise? I think there was some controversy about the term “polish death camps” some years ago. Is this banner related to that controversy?

  10. ofc the bullies with a victim complex would do that on a fucking sports competition, I don’t remember a part in ww2 history in which a Germany hockey team from 2024 helped the Nazi camps or did I miss it?

  11. I hope the stadium swiftly took care of these hooligans, and sent out a message of apology after this match. This is embarrassing.

  12. Ofc some idiots did that and now German redditors insult Polish people on Reddit. Just as you don’t have anything to do with past German crimes, I don’t have anything to do with those hockey fans

  13. tbh, our past is not a weakness, we aknowledge it, we know its terrible and we know the responsibility it gives us.
    from me they just get a shrug and a “yeah, i was at the museum, and in buchenwald”

  14. I bet NONE of the people at this event even lived at that time. BTW this is the same country that doesn’t take in any refugees from islamic countries, because they all voted for a VERY RIGHT wing party.

    The hypocrisy is almost too real in this picture.

  15. this is so idiotic. Current germans have nothing to do with 3rd reich. They lost the war in 45. get over it

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