Trump Humiliated After Receiving a REAL Policy Question and Is Completely Unable to Answer the Question

Trump Humiliated After Receiving a REAL Policy Question and Is Completely Unable to Answer the Question

Posted by P_a_s_g_i_t_24

  1. Exactly what someone who disrespects the Arlington dead and smells like hair spray, armpits and ass world so,

  2. His brain is fried.

    His focus fo the next 60 days will be fear porn. The things he is saying to scare people are so unhinged at the moment, but he is hoping it will work on enough people,

  3. No surprise. Thought that the other day when he responded to the question about childcare. He just rambles on and uses multiple generalisations so he sounds like he understands or is across a policy.

    Now, answering a question on tax breaks to the very rich, totally different response. Far more informative.

  4. He doesn’t have the capacity to feel humiliated. He gets angry and lashes out at everyone else. Zero self awareness.

  5. This is funny and everything but they cut the video too early. Did they call him out on it, did they repeat the question, point out that he never answered the question? I suspect they softballed it, and let him think it was a brilliant response. Meaning that all his imbecile followers would also think the same. So no humiliation, just another day. If anyone has fuller coverage showing what happened next, please post up.

  6. They’re called “glittering generalities” folks, look it up. He says everything and nothing at the same time. Amazing!

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