14/15 heavily lead by us, not bad Eurobros 🇪🇺

Japan has also been heavily influenced by the British, Dutch and Portuguese.

by TableOpening1829

  1. wow thanks barry, you couldn’t let us be a northern europe top 5 you had to let Canada beat you.

  2. Before ww2, Japan sent out observers to various European countries to learn about the things they do best:
    Germany for their goose marching, Little Britain for their ships, France for their escargot, Italy for their knives, Belgium for their slavery, Netherlands for their kroketten, Russia for their oppression

  3. Even Japan is basically European, only things that separate them are language, religion, geography, ethnicity, culture and history.

  4. German schools are rapidly approaching 3rd world levels, get that shit off that list asap boi

  5. …But Estonia has had the best PISA test results in entire Europe for over 10 years and it isn’t even on the list?

    This map is BS as Estonian PISA results are among the top 5 of the entire world.

  6. Considering you’ve included three among Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Canada as European states, I’m doubting about Belgium’s ranking

  7. I have no idea how they figured out these stats but if we’re at number six, then I dread to think how bad state education is elsewhere. A bunch of schools across the country had to shut down last year because they were crumbling. Numeracy and literacy rates are in the toilet and are getting worse. Teaching of other subjects, especially foreign languages (but also things like IT,) is diabolical too.

    But also, have you ever met an average British person? I don’t think a group of people who cannot be within 10m of a balcony for safety reasons are particularly educated but maybe that’s just me.

  8. Well, at least we’re in the Top Ten. Looking at this list there’s one question: with a kind of shitty education system, why are the so many foreign students here? (Eigen studenten eerst!)

  9. The only person who could put Sweden as number 1, is someone who…

    – has never been to Swedish schools,

    – knows nothing about Swedish education politics,

    – and has never seen the summary of Swedish students’ scores at the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) exams.

    Of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) Countries, Sweden students rank at place 15 of 37 when it comes to education.

    Putting Sweden at number 1 shows that this list is completely made up.

  10. How the fuck are we in the top 3? We’ve been actively fucking our education system over for at least a decade

  11. If the British education system is 6th then the French must be teaching people that the Earth is flat and that Americans are Human.

  12. Thank god we aren’t anywhere near the top 15. I would be concerened if we were. I did A levels and selectividad at the same time and god the difference was massive.

  13. Switzerland? Doesn’t the country decide for me after elementary school wether I should keep studying or not?

  14. Belgium 12th xD? There was an article published today that 1/5 children didnt know what multiplication was when they graduated from elementary school. Bright future ahead !

  15. We’re in the top ten? The world must be dumb as fuck😭

    Edit: would be a bit ironic for me to forget the apostrophe on we’re on first draft wouldn’t it haha

  16. What the fuck does well developed mean in this context?

    Given literacy rates are droping in the UK, and we’re supposedly sixth best in world wide, my guess is education inspector per capitia.

  17. In what world is sweden better than finland? They have mandatory school, which means everyone has to come to school no matter what, which becomes a problem if there’s for example a pandemic, while finland has mandatory learning, which means you can stay at home as much as you like as long as you still learn the same stuff they do in school. Furthermore, I was comparing metalwork class in 7th to 9th grade with my swedish cousin, and my school had three mig welders, three oxy acetylene welders, one stick welder, one spot welder, a gas forge, two drill presses, five angle grinders, a lathe, a huge belt sander, a bench grinder and a bunch of hand tools and machines I don’t know the English name of, his scool had an electric stove and tin soldier forms.

  18. lol this list is a big crock of shit. Anyone who believes this shit must have done very mid in their school.

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