Something just happened…

Something just happened…

Posted by Themathemagicians

  1. I am nearly certain that AG Ken Paxton openly attempting to disallow people living in Democratic districts from voting has, in no way, contributed to people suddenly being motivated to participate. /s

  2. Wishful thinking at the moment. Still more work to be done before TX and FL are in play. If Harris starts visiting either one, then buckle up Cowboy!

  3. But still, how the hell is anybody still voting for the orange Muppet ?

    Yes I know, cult. Bloody idiotic clowns. Not long now America. Fingers crossed. The world is scared and watching. Peace from Australia.

  4. The GOPers who run Texas can’t even keep the heat going in the winter….and it’s Texas, it ain’t Fairbanks, AK….

  5. Like genuinely what’s the point of making this map. The 270 to win map has both Texas and Florida as likely repub and Virginia as likely dem (oh and New Hampshire as lean dem)

    I want Kamala to win in a blowout as much as the next guy but do we really have time to care about Texas when polls are currently showing her lead in the blue wall states is narrowing near daily

    edit; oh this is the polling map. Which basically just shows any state that even has one poll that sits within the margin of error, the consensus map is way more useful, sorry OP

  6. Meanwhile we have a new NYT/Sienna poll showing Trump +1. I don’t get it, but what I do know is doom over hopium!

  7. Serious question, is Texas a swing state? I think it’s like that because there could be so much pull between both parties to gain favor

  8. I want to say WI isn’t a toss up. We just had a recent referendum vote pushed by Republicans that got shot down HARD. On a ballot that doesn’t usually get much attention. I want to believe that energy stays.

    Vote anyway

  9. Polling map shows this.

    2024 consensus shows a MUCH tighter race, with democrats having 20 winning combinations to republicans 21. 3 ties.

    We can NOT sleep on this shit. Idc if polls say a 50 state sweep. We gotta vote like our lives depend on it, because they very well might.

  10. Texass has been wrong for a very long time…
    No way I trust that those people will vote for Harris.

  11. Look, as much as I would love for this to be true, TX & FL are not in play. This has been an on and off narrative since 2016. Never materialized. Ted Cruz and Ron DeSantis are awful humans, and they were re-elected. Just don’t see these states going any farther than “leans republican”.

  12. I saw someone post this yesterday saying it was from 270towin but when I look it still has Texas as leans red and poll averages are Trump up 4.5%. Where are you seeing this map?

  13. Trump ahead by 4 pts in polling avg in Florida and Texas but its called a toss up? Lol? Is this for real?

    So a single poll that gets Harris within 3 pts of Trump in Texas means we ignore the polling average and call it a tossup, lol. This graph is garbage.

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