Wanna guess where the local pigeons had a rave last night? 😳

Wanna guess where the local pigeons had a rave last night? 😳

by DarthVarn

  1. My sympathies. We have them at the top of the house and I live in the basement. Narrow alley between us and the next house up. A deal of time is spent cleaning up, stepping over and, despite the vertical sides of the building, getting crap off the front door. Particularly the glass.

  2. Oh god! When I srolled fast, It looked like something else for a second. But that would have been a different kind of party! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

    I don’t know if this is a thing. I remember my aunts and uncles doing this, but can’t you put something reflective there to dissuade the birds from coming?

  3. On my newly washed car, wasn’t it?Swear those pigeons have a personal vendetta against clean vehicles.Left it spotless and woke up to what looks like a Jackson Pollock painting in bird poop.

  4. Do you have any fireworks near you? I get this on my balcony doors and glass around balcony because of fireworks lol. Had one land just inside the door one summer evening as doors were open. It did start to feel a bit personal tbh

  5. Be careful. Thieves will abstain for a month to produce a load large enough to cover a whole window pane like this to mark the house. If the load it still there after a couple of days they know noone is in and the house is vacant.

  6. There was a massive shit on my window recently that was shaped like a heart. I was impressed!

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