Iranian official confirms transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia

Iranian official confirms transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia

by Mil_in_ua

  1. Shouldn’t NATO set up its own red lines? In that case, this could well be one: If Russia receives long-range robots from abroad, then NATO is forced to give Ukraine the means to knock them out on the ground. Just a thought.

  2. Besides the type and number of missiles, is Iran also transferring the necessary launch platforms?

  3. However, I’m sure they sent them with some strict conditions regarding distance and targets that can be aimed!

  4. Maybe one iranian missile would miss and ends un crashing into European Union ? We should remove restrictions for real …

  5. Now. The race has started. Who will give the ok to strike deep into Russia. A foregin country has given Russia weapons to do what ever they want with it.

  6. And the West’s response to this. More sanctions to a country that’s pretty much use to it!

    Seriously though, at this point the only way you’re going to prevent Iran from sending more weapons to Russia is to give a more “kinetic” response.

  7. This is yet *another* reminder that Iran/Palestine are close allies with Russia and anyone who supports Iran/Palestine is either a useful idiot or an enemy traitor to Putin’s “axis of resistance”.

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