National Trust members to vote on making cafe food 50% plant-based

National Trust members to vote on making cafe food 50% plant-based

by PinkoMate

  1. Also 50% more expensive too I bet…

    Make plant based food cheaper and maybe people will at least try it.

  2. >“Moving towards a majority plant-based food system would allow more than 70% of farmland to be freed for nature restoration, a change that would capture massive amounts of carbon and increase biodiversity while still providing enough nutritious food for our growing population.”

    Someone doesn’t understand how farms work.

    If you cut the farm producing area of a farm by 70% that farm will not be remotely profitable. And expecting subsidies from the Govt is not sustainable either.

  3. Every national trust cafe I’ve been to pretty much already is though. It’s always veg soup and a roll, assorted cakes and scones and teas and coffees. Maybe the odd ham sandwich? But I’ve never seen one do a fry up for example.

  4. If consumers continue to order from the remaining 50% of the menu, what difference does it make?

  5. > Cafe menus at the trust’s 280 historic sites are already 40% plant-based. Now, the trust’s 2.6 million members will get to vote on whether the charity should gradually increase this figure to 50% over the next two years.

    So hardly some massive shake up to proceedings then.

  6. Vegan might be the issue as it could impact on the ingredients of cakes and scones. People, take to the streets!

    The issue really is that the people who run National Trust seem to have an agenda, and it’s about that really. Why does the animal content of a snack bar have anything to do with looking after historic buildings? It’s only an argument in favour if it will increase profits for the Trust. If not, why is it even mooted as a policy?

  7. Let me guess with a 50% price increase then cue shocked pikachu faces when people stop going altogether. A good idea if it’s reasonable in decent options and price

  8. I’m not going to comment on whether vegan is good or not. However using marg instead of butter for scones and cakes is more of a cost saving method no matter how they try to frame it. Marg is considerably cheaper than real butter

  9. Vegans will be able to choose from 50% of the menu.

    Non-vegans will be able to choose from 100% of the menu.

    And non-vegans are the ones complaining…

  10. I’m not gonna read the article but my jowls are shaking in rage at the thought of somewhere I don’t eat changing the menu in a way the members prefer

  11. I do miss when our institutions weren’t captured by ideologues.

    I’ll vote against, and throw my subscription out of my pram along with my toys if it doesn’t go my way.

  12. Policies like this are dumb. If they want to operate to the benefit of the charitable purposes they are supposed to be supporting then the Cafe’s need to prioritize profit. Menu’s should be based on clientele and what they want. Hell if there demographic is 90% vegan, then go full on 90% plantbased. If its 30% go 30% plantbased. Arbitrarily forcing units within the trust to have potentially loss leading items on their menu with no real benefit is nonsensical.

  13. As someone who’s a national trust member, and is pretty much a carnivore, my thoughts on this are

    ” ”


  14. Plant based junk food is still junk food and probably worse than the meat based because of all the extra processing chemicals involved. Similarly I will always choose butter over margarine which is almost close chemical match to plastic apparently.

  15. Been a national trust member for a while and my no.1 rule is, never buy from the cafes lol

    £2.80 for a can of coke, or £9 for a jacket potato. Prices are incredibly high for what’s on offer.

    But then somethings are alright. Cream tea for two for £11 was very decent lol

  16. As a NT member I’d rather they did some more food to cater for people with intolerances, gluten free for example. I don’t want a shitty pre packed brownie, everywhere does those. A sandwich would be a start…

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