In the capital of Bashkortostan, Ufa, work has begun on dismantling the monument to Salavat Yulaev. They allegedly want to send it for repairs, although de facto this is the destruction of Bashkir culture and history. The monument to Salavat Yulaev is the largest equestrian monument in Europe

In the capital of Bashkortostan, Ufa, work has begun on dismantling the monument to Salavat Yulaev. They allegedly want to send it for repairs, although de facto this is the destruction of Bashkir culture and history. The monument to Salavat Yulaev is the largest equestrian monument in Europe

by BashkirTatar

  1. While russia is planting its culture in the occupied part of Ukraine, another Bashkir monument is being torn down in occupied r/Bashkortostan. Next in line is the symbol of all of r/Bashkortostan – the monument to Salavat Yulaev. This is the largest equestrian monument in Europe. It is a symbol of the entire Bashkir people. Salavat Yulaev was one of the leaders of the russian-Bashkir war of 1773-1775, who refused to surrender and fought to the last. He was captured and died in captivity in Estonia in 1800.

    In r/Bashkortostan, monuments to Ahmet Zaki Validi have already been torn down, allegedly sending them for repairs. Of course, russia is fighting the cultural and historical heritage of the Bashkir people.

  2. I have a Bashkir friend who showed me how interesting is your culture. Your culture and your freedom are yours and I hope you’ll be able to move away from Moscow’s claws!

  3. May i suggest glueing a couple or Airtags and similar Android devices and paint it the statue’s colour, if you still have access to it? It may prove important in the future

  4. The monument itself is really strange. It is situated at the edge of a river slope. You arе not able to see it from the front. So, actually you only see the giant balls of the horse. Nothing more.

    And in Ufa there is no other name as “Salavat Yulaev”. Airport or hotel? Salavat Yulaev.
    Restaurant or hockey team? Salavat Yulaev.
    Street or square or something else? Salavat Yulaev .

  5. what a cute propaganda. Considering that they were planning to restore the monument back in 23.

  6. Kremlin imperialism. Time to dismantle it.

    The Moscovite terror will continue forever if the oppressed peoples of Russia don’t get help.

  7. I don’t really think this is Europe. No one European’s first tought about Europe is the turkic steps.

  8. What local journalist Aigiz Gilmanov writes:

    “We appealed to the city administration, they told us that the crane seen by residents has nothing to do with the reconstruction.
    As it turned out, there is a film crew working on the site, which filmed the monument using the crane.

    – There film crew hired a crane, a cradle, it is specially used for shooting photos or videos, they are shooting some documentary film, – reported in the press service of the Ufa administration.

    It also became known at what stage the preparation for reconstruction is at.

    – On this object all works are still at the stage of expertise. Until the Republic will not say, the city will not do anything on this issue – noted in the city administration.

    In September 2023, the head of Bashkultnaslediya Salavat Kulbakhtin said that the restoration of the monument to Salavat Yulaev will be carried out in 2024-2025, the work was to begin after the celebration of the 450th anniversary of Ufa. Not only the sculpture, but also the base will be restored, the mound will also be reinforced. The monument will be removed from the pedestal and is planned to be restored in a Ufa workshop.”

  9. So which one is it? Are they sending it for repairs/restoration or dismantling it?
    The difference is huge.

  10. Moscow eradicates everything not Russian.
    Hopefully they will be sufficiently weakened so that other nations may also rise up and gain independence before their culture is absorbed by Русский мир.

  11. I have a colleague from Bashkiria, he said that Salavat Yulaev was an ordinary robber, and only Bashkir nationalists honor him.

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