‘This pig’: Observers erupt as ex-president caught ‘threatening the voters’ at his rally

The part that got me:

"I better win or you're gonna have problems like we've never had. We may have no country left," Trump said at his weekend swing-state rally. "This may be our last election. You want to know the truth? People have said that. This could be our last election."


Posted by MusicGirlsMom

  1. It’s insane that nobody questions his sources of “information”. Wtf is wrong with the media and MAGA??? He should be getting GRILLED on every single outrageous claim he makes. 

  2. Just curious, at what point are we going to start taking bets as to how many days Trump is away from just totally imploding?!

  3. He already told us that we won’t have any more elections if he wins. Why is he acting like it’s the other guys who threaten democracy? He’s such a liar

  4. Yes turmpf, YOU said that it would be our last election when you admitted your desire to play dictator.

  5. I want to see the reaction of a highschool if some kid running for student body president said something like this. Im sure 100% would not take it well but half of the adults in this country are ok with it.

  6. “Like no ones ever seen.” They tell me “Sir.” “People are saying.” “I’m hearing that….” “We’re not gonna have a country.” WTF does this idiot mean by we’re not gonna have a Country? The same rote tired lines and he can’t even “weave” a coherent sentence, and his minions think he’s the greatest since PT Barnum? Projection. Every idiotic thing he accuses others of, it’s him who is doing it.

  7. He lives in a world that only exists in his mind. His crumbling, racist, fascist, corrupt mind.

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