CIA and MI6 heads: World order is under threat

CIA and MI6 heads: World order is under threat

by Mil_in_ua

  1. Exactly. The Axis of Evil is trying to take democracy out. Putler, China, NK and Iran all need to go asap. The Ukraine is just the first piece they want. Putler is jealous of the democratic process.

  2. Unfortunately, the west is in a really bad shape, driven by poor choices the last 30 years.

    Mass migration, decline of our traditional culture and an energy infrastructure that abandoned nuclear energy for cheap russian gas (thanks to various green parties).

    And people are surprised that parties like the AFD are on the rise, at the expense of parties like the greens and social democrats.

    The rise of various “green” parties of Europe has been so incredibly detrimental to us Europeans. At worst they’re the biggest useful idiots for Putin, or even in the worst cases, his agents.

  3. two days before Hamas launched the October 7 attack, Putin gave a speech challenging the existing world order.

    Someday, I hope enough info is declassified to give historians a clear understanding of the role Russia played in the planning timing and execution of the Hamas October 7 attack.

  4. Isn’t it their actual job to prevent that? Maybe they didn’t do a really good job in the last few years?

  5. Yes, but tiktok doesnt like this nasty business of war, so we cant fight back and have to sit and watch it happen.

    Im hoping that the world gets fucking serious about this business in the next year or two. Fuck public opinion, the US/NATO needs to step in here.

  6. Civilized order has always been under threat and always will be. Look in the history books, there has always been some megalomaniac asshole that wants to rule the world.

    It’s up to us to see through their cult-of-personality bullshit and vote for someone to keep the assholes in check.

  7. Wasted to have cheaper production and cheaper energy. Now a big surprise that all the money made them stronger.. surprised Pikachu.

  8. Just like we should have during WWII, put every billionaire under investigation until its all over.

  9. ”  he saw no evidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s grip on power was weakening”  so that is what they are saying to Putin.  Why? 

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