‘I moved to Australia to be a doctor – now I’m paid double’

‘I moved to Australia to be a doctor – now I’m paid double’


by JayR_97

  1. Cost of living is also double in Australia so that doesn’t really mean anything

    Also bad bot

  2. Why do we need to know this? Just let them go. If someone thinks six figures aren’t enough compensation for rote learning a bunch of science facts and then following flowcharts for a living (with very little oversight or accountability) then they’ve got the kind of problems we shouldn’t want polluting our country and society anyway. If a doctor is selfish and money hungry enough to dip out abroad for coin, then they weren’t the kind of doctor I would have wanted diagnosing and treating me anyway. Good riddance.

  3. Health is a prime example of an area where we hope people will sacrifice their quality of life for the country rather than change.

    Without greed, these doctors are discussing the choice of making a lifelong, unrewarded sacrifice or not doing that and living a comfortable life with your family elsewhere.

    We’ve been surprised they choose option 2 for decades.

  4. Pretending he is doing it for the patients is hilarious.

    He took tax payers subsidy to become a doctor, then went to get the most money elsewhere. Regardless of anyone’s position on this, just be honest.

  5. Please can someone close the NHS forever because it’s dead. Bury it before it becomes a zombie.

  6. Yeah.

    But have the Australian government ever encouraged people to go outside and applaud on a Thursday evening?

  7. this is what my sister will be doing as of december 2024, doing it for a year to see where it takes her and if the praise british doctors and nurses give to the australian healthcare system is actually true.

    i mean regardless of pay, i can’t imagine the treatment being the same or worse than the current state of NHS… right?

  8. The NHS is a broken model. We need to move to a European style health insurance funding model.

  9. 10% of australian domestic medical students pay full price for their degrees – unlike the £9250 that all UK medical students pay. another 27% only get subsidised fees in exchange for 3 years mandatory work in a shortage area like remote or rural areas.

  10. Low wages across the country with doctors being the main talking point. Not only do we have low wages but we are taxed both ends of our wages and purchases to the point someone on median salary is probably on around a 60% net tax rate.  

     *THEN* you can consider the high cost of living and property/rent in this country. It seems to be the thatcherite/blairite dream politicians have been working toward for this country; *Scandanavian taxes, the state services and benefits of the USA, Japanese costs, and Greek wages* – in fact I believe the Greeks have better relative wages than we do as of a few years ago now.

    We are currently seeing the start of a brain drain and it will continue to happen across all fields.

  11. I’m starting to feel like this group is set up to destroy the fabric of British society ..it’s always negative despite many positives ..is this site ran by Russian propaganda ?

    British economy is outperforming the EU and the US ..

    Like i said this group never highlights any achievements that I have seen.

    Also the amount of down votes everyone gets for having an argument against the OP despite ot being a factual and polite communication is a strong indicator that their are members in this group who are determined to undermine British success.

    At least we are not a country like Russia north Korea or Iran!!!

  12. It is hard to understand how Australia can manage to pay someone double while reducing their working hours and the UK can’t!

    Have the managers in the UK not looked at the Australian system and emulated it?

  13. As a doctor, I read through some of these comments. You, the British public, genuinely have no clue about our day to day work. I and my colleagues have been driven to suicidal ideation at some points in our careers – yes, our job can be that bloody debilitating.

    Have you ever felt that burden of a friend or family members problems? Yeh? Well, imagine doing that every day, back to back 30+ x daily, yet if we get it wrong, we can lose everything or even end up in prison. Going home at night, worrying about your decisions, then repeating it all again the next day. All for people like you to say we’re overpaid and ungrateful.

    The UK doesn’t deserve us. Get yourself off, mate, and don’t look back.

  14. Not in the medical field, but I’d move to Australia in a heartbeat if it wasn’t for my elderly relatives. I suspect many will be leaving the UK for other nations soon.

  15. I remember when everyone was going outside and clapping for them and I thought it was a bit silly. Then when they announced strikes for fair pay I thought, good on them at least they’ll have all that good will and support. The hypocrisy I witnessed was beyond appalling. Anyone who had a grievance about their strikes should be ashamed of themselves.

  16. Much of this is true. But you can sure as shit bet that if any government proposed raising taxes on the wealthy to boost doctors pay, the Telegraph will be spearheading a campaign against it.

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