Orange man’s brain is fried.

Orange man’s brain is fried.

Posted by JulietAlfaTango

  1. What a fuxed up world we live in where half the country ardently supports this clown. The US is already in collapse. We can only hope to slow down her demise.

  2. He has surpassed throwing shit againt a wall and seeing what sticks and is now throwing it straight up.

  3. I look forward to seeing every single “news” outlet obsess over his cognitive decline for a solid two weeks. Oh wait, that’s only if a democrat is old.

  4. And my maga coworker swears that if Trump loses, it’ll be because “They” (deep state, CIA, Freemasons, take your pick) don’t want him to win since he’s such a renegade wildcard…

  5. Sometimes I wonder if he’s intentionally trying to lose. (of course not, gotta avoid jail) What gets me are the people who hear this and think, yep, that’s the best person the Republicans have to offer. 

  6. It’s amazing how people used to say that politicians were liars and full of hyperbole.

    Little did we know we hadn’t seen anything yet.

  7. according to polls, which cannot be accurate, near half of Americans would hand that inept pos the keys to their country again. wtf. He wasn’t fit then, he will never be. Put him out to pasture.

  8. Don’t worry…it’s just an epic weave…he’s going to bring it all together soon. Masterfully. Bigly.

  9. Nothing Joe Biden said was remotely as batshit crazy as this, and he stepped aside after being repeatedly called out for being too old.

    When is Trump going to give up?

  10. Trump supporters, “ Got it, they’re coming for our kids and Trump is a friendly deity that will save us”

  11. And he has a 50% chance to be the next president. PLEASE get out and vote because his supporters won’t forget to.

  12. Well shucks. When you put it like that I guess the guy might have some issues? Somebody should look into it

  13. Don’t forget the truth social post where he invented the word “powerfulnnz” and cut the post off mid-sentence.

  14. Stable genius … and MAGA will still vote for him.

    Need a *Blue tsunami,* folks; vote Blue top down, nationally, state, county, municipal, and judiciary.

    So overwhelming it isn’t worth filing the first lawsuit over. So overwhelming even SCOTUS will be worried.

  15. But didn’t he say that after this election, if he wins, you won’t have to vote anymore. That it will be “fixed”

    Now if he loses it will be the last election. Which is it, ya dingus?

  16. A month ago I had a relatively minor surgery. I had to stay in the hospital for 24 hours, and when I got out I was laid up for 2 days on pain meds, took a couple more days off for good measure, and was still moving slow and in pain when I went back to work.

    The idea that a kid could have gender reassignment surgery in the morning and come home completely normal except for their genitals should tell you that Trump is an idiot who has no real life experience.

    And in a new NTY poll, the motherfucker is running even with Harris.

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