A Very Strong Case Why MAGA Voters Are Stupid

A Very Strong Case Why MAGA Voters Are Stupid

Posted by GloomyTraffic6700

  1. It’s proven that neural synapses can die, at a certain point is it really unfair to view Trumpers as devolved?

  2. Kind of right kind of wrong. It also screams condescension. I see it a lot from the left. They over articulate policy and almost roll eyes at those with differing opinions. They often have this superiority complex and almost belittle those less intelligent, refined, or cultured. We on the left need to be careful, because it does alienate others. Some on the left may think they are stupid, but these individuals know when they are being ridiculed or mocked, and they don’t like it. They drift to those like Trump. Let’s be honest Trump and the MAGA Cronies couldn’t care less about these people either. In many ways they are no different to those on the left. Instead they make these individuals feel welcome. So the animation is kind of right.

  3. Trump is unique in that he openly tells his followers they are only as important as their vote, which, by the way isn’t even that important. The important thing is he loves them. They are very lucky to have his approval. It’s just shepherding.

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