Russland schleicht sich heimlich in Amerikas konservative Medien ein

Russland schleicht sich heimlich in Amerikas konservative Medien ein

  1. Uhh….Tucker Carlson was basically shouting his support of Putin from the rooftops, is our country this stupid? Pretty unimpressed by our CIA frankly, isn’t it their job to counter operations like this?

  2. What secret? Not only have we been talking about this for years in liberal circles but, conservatives have spent those years talking about how great Russia is.

    Didn’t fucking Tucker Carlson do a whole episode inside a Russian grocery store?

  3. Russia has a dictator, authoritarian control, uses religion to control its population. The GOP want a dictator, authoritarian control and use religion to control its population. They are two rancid peas in a pod. Birds of a feather and all.

  4. Mouth drooling MAGA regards continue to parrot “russia russia russia” and act as if the 2016 Mueller report, which stated multiple times that their investigation was hindered by executive privilege, somehow disproves all of the treasonous Putin connections before and after emerging DAILY including multiple members of Trump’s staff jailed due Russian connections.

  5. “Secret” in that Trump openly asked them to do it and half the nation was pointing to the giant Russian flag flying over the GOP for almost a decade now.

  6. Secret? People like Heidi Cuda and Jim Stewartson have been screaming about this since 2015. There’s a great book about Russia’s infiltration of Western media called “Spiked” that was written in the 1980s. The Bolshevists started doing it in 1917. None of this is new, but phones have made it much easier to brainwash people.

  7. Super secret. So secret in fact, literally everyone knew and pointed it out constantly, except for conservatives. Now they are trying to play dumb and weasel out of it.

  8. Who was this a secret for? The conservatives? Because I am reasonably certain that most everyone else knows that already.

  9. Secretly? It’s been known for almost two decades. 

    Maria Butina and Paul Erickson. Working as Republican lobbyists laundering Russian money through the NRA. Heavily defended by conservative media that had direct connections to Russian oligarchs. 

    Both were Russian spies. Butina arrested and imprisoned then released by Bill Barr. Who then FLED TO RUSSIA. 

    Erickson imprisoned and then PARDONED BY TRUMP. 

    There are dozens of similar cases over the last two decades. And in every case it is Rightwing media that comes to the defense of known Russian assets. 

    Remember the woman who Fox News and Newsmax dug up that accused Biden of assault. Who couldn’t name an exact time or place, then kept changing her story. Turns out she had taken suspicious payments. THEN SHE FLED TO RUSSIA. 

  10. “Secretly?”

    Fuck you, NY Times. Right-wing media knew full well what they were doing. They are just playing victim because they irrefutably got caught.

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