Russian drone crashes in Rēzekne district of Latvia

Russian drone crashes in Rēzekne district of Latvia

by Mil_in_ua

  1. If a drone crashs on nato soil but bc flying to ukraine its not consider act of war even know lativa doesnt allow it??? Nato is cowards! Usa “us” biggest of them all.

  2. Make no mistake, this is no accident. Putin is poking around to gauge the response before planning his next troublemaking in europe.

  3. The longer NATO doesn’t shoot these down, the more Russia will send over NATO territories, and the more this will happen. NATO is actively encouraging Russia to keep trying worse shit _inside NATO_.

    It’s not a hard calculation.

    How can we dumbasses on Reddit understand this while Sullivan is still shitting his pants over _”oh no what if we escalation”_?

  4. What happened to “Defend every centimeter of NATO territory and sacred article V”?

  5. Interesting how a shahed is called a „russian drone“ while all nato weapons delivered to ukraine are still called „nato weapons“.

  6. Non stop Comercial drones swarming gun positions in latvia! This is getting crazy already

  7. I’m starting to think they are doing these on purpose, for whatever reason or multiple reasons.

  8. Imagine the international outcry if an American drone crashed in Russia. Yet no one cares when Russia does it.

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