Is the presidential election our new reality TV show?

Is the presidential election our new reality TV show?

Posted by FishermanEven4730

  1. They are sure kept close indirectly by the media polishing the Trurd and engaging in vile double standards.

    The corruption runs pretty deep. And it doesn’t really matter if they do it for views and shareholder value, their owners or Putin. The end result is always the same:

    Pretend Trump is not the most unqualified person to be running for president, ever.

  2. During the Cohen testimony he mentioned spending money to influence polls for Trump

    And no one ever decided to follow up on it with him 

  3. The problem with this thinking is that it would require all of the dozens (hundreds?) of media outlets reporting on polling, to collude to tell the same story. All of those media outlets are competing for a finite amount of ad revenue and desperately eager to have a conflicting narrative from the popular one (right-wing media often compensates for that need by just manufacturing their own narratives). On top of that, polling firms like Pew or University ones have no stake in what the media may or may not want to be reporting.

    Unless something dramatic occurs, Presidential polling tends to remain fairly static until shortly before the actual election, because most Americans are not spending a lot of time focusing on politics until they feel obligated to.

  4. Probably , however the Electoral College is the real prize. She needs to win that.

    Don’t get complacent. This is our last chance to root out the stolen, corrupt Supreme Court.

    It’s our duty to talk to each other and get folks to the polls in places it matters most and everywhere else.

  5. Where’s the followup show “The Real Housewives of MAGA”? I want to see them argue about conspiracy theories and buy MAGA merch with their Trump bucks.

  6. Hopefully the polls being close will encourage increased voter turnouts at levels we have never seen before.

  7. Honestly it always scratches that “hmmmm” part of my brain that the elections have been so consistently close. Gerrymandering and “battle ground state” focus can lead to that.. but still. Shenanigans.

  8. I mean sure the news media is powerful, but come people, the world is not The Truman Show. Besides, there’s already enough suspense and drama without a massive coverup that would have been leaked the first minute it was tried.

    -War in Israel

    -War against Ukraine

    -Trump doing something crazy every week

    -Mass shootings every month

    -Economic struggles

    -Social struggles

    -People still thinking the GLOBAL pandemic was fake


  9. Is it conspiratorial if I think the RNC is funding bad polls to bolster the eventual claims of voter fraud. If the polls are showing trump close/winning, then how could he possibly lose in those close states?

  10. I don’t know if its the media or just you can’t sample people who don’t pick up the phone

  11. Yeah, I’ve thought this for years. How can so many people be willing to vote for an obvious psychopath?

  12. Trump is trash. Nobody likes the guy. He has no policies he just complains and whines. It’s so tiresome. How can anyone want him around??

  13. In 2016, the media made it sound like Hillary was going to smash Trump. Lots of people didn’t vote because they thought she had it in the bag. Best not to make that mistake again.

  14. Yep, I have a strong feeling this is what’s happening.

    That being said, vote as if she’s behind anyways.

  15. My wife insisted months ago that I request off from work on November 6th. We’ll either be drinking champagne or filling sandbags, possibly both.

  16. I was just looking at 538 and thought the exact same thing. Although most presidential elections are decided by independents who don’t participate in most polls.

  17. The excuse is that pollsters didn’t know trump had a chance in ’16 – and they were embarrassed by that fact. Since, they’ve been calling everything close for no further reason than to maintain their credibility in an increasingly unpredictable electorate.

  18. Unfortunately, when she wins there will be a month or two of chaos again.Because too many people who could stop the chaos have no spine.

  19. Not really going to try and change your mind just a warning that this type of line makes you sound just like Trump voters… take polls with a grain of salt but to act like they are completely artificial is a really bad look and worse politics

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