What a joy to have France as a neighbour

What a joy to have France as a neighbour

by High_Bird

  1. Don’t worry, our carcinogenic coal dust particulates and CO2 will end up in their lungs and atmosphere >:)

  2. Nuclear energy is safer and more stable than any other energy source. You need specific conditions in order to build nuclear power plants, for example source of fresh water. The placement of these plants is purely coincidental. France has 18 nuclear power plants in total and these two just happened to be near borders as the number of suitable locations is very limited.

  3. France is the beiggest nuclear energy producer in Europe and this map conveniently shows only two NPPs, LOL

  4. Well, do they want to buy it or not ? Because that’s a big reason those are there.

    The other reason being that you need water to build a plant and rivers often act as borders.

  5. Tbf Belgium does the same to us with their power plant in Doel (though tbf that one is also next to Antwerp itself, so they’ll get hit along with us if something happens).

  6. Same was for Fessenheim, on the rhine close to Germany and Switzerland, those were also getting electricity from it.

    Thank god our ecologist pressured the government to close it, now Alsace is polluted by German coal-fired power plants

  7. Well in case Belgium wants to betray us all again by existing only when Germany needs to run there tanks around Frances defense!

    So now they can blow this one up the next time Germany wants to fix the world!

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