Trump’s Big Energy Plan Is… Recession? Trump promised to “cut energy prices in half, or more than that, within 12 months.” Sharp declines in gas prices tend to come with economic downturns, market turmoil or disasters, not by presidential decree.

Trump’s Big Energy Plan Is… Recession? Trump promised to “cut energy prices in half, or more than that, within 12 months.” Sharp declines in gas prices tend to come with economic downturns, market turmoil or disasters, not by presidential decree.

Trump’s Big Energy Plan Is… Recession?

by mafco

  1. Oil prices are one driver to gas prices and I don’t see a tremendous impact a President can have on that even though the US is one of the worlds largest producers.

  2. It’s not so frightening that Trump says and sells this load of bullshit, it;s that so many people don’t know better and believe it! Boomers, how and when did you get so stupid?

  3. Not to mention the president can’t just do that.

    A plan usually involves the actual concrete measures one takes to achieve a goal.

    This is just a goal. A wish, even. Not a plan.

  4. This country needs a revamped education system. Add in civics lessons on how government works at all levels, an overview of what inflation is, oil prices and subsidies paid, food prices and support paid to farmers, what a tariff is, insurance (what is needed, and why), etc

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