U.S. to Experience Net Influx of 33 Million People Between 2024 and 2050!

U.S. to Experience Net Influx of 33 Million People Between 2024 and 2050!


by Investnomaly

  1. Our birthrate is falling so this is good. It will help us maintain our economy because our population won’t crash the way it is crashing in Japan and South Korea etc.

  2. This would be better if they were highly skilled migrants. But these are uneducated migrants with no money. They will be a burden on the US economy at large. It’s kinda scary. We already have job availability issues with a severe lack of manufacturing work. No clue what these people are going to do to survive.

  3. That is about a 10% increase in total population over 24 years, which is a pretty slow growth rate. We can more than absorb that.

  4. Assuming we stop ****ing over South America (and thereby stop the flow of refugees) then it’s going to peter off long before then.

    China has already blocked foreigners from adopting children in their country. Declining birthrates are already catching up and countries are going to stop letting their young people leave.

    The Democracies will us incentives to make them stay and the Authoritarian dictatorships will use violence, but either way expect the flow of immigrants to stop in the next 10 years or so.

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