Stay ready

Stay ready

by gwarning-wassy

  1. Travel to and from work costs me £8.50 a day, south east to west London.

    90% of the time I don’t buy lunch and have leftovers or a sandwich for lunch.

    On my work from home days I literally don’t spend any money at all.

    And I don’t live like Scrooge never spending a penny, I meet mates for drinks and dinner, buy myself clothes and other treats when I fancy, spend money on my hobbies, and pay too much in rent and bills.

    I’m not saying that living in London isn’t expensive and spending money isn’t really easy, just that it is completely possible to not spend loads of money and still live a proper life.

  2. True tho, I spent £100 today, not even sure what on, toothpaste, wireless airpohones, maccies, a pair of shorts, some other shit

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