Can JD do one thing without being weird?

Can JD do one thing without being weird?

Posted by JulietAlfaTango

  1. I just can’t see anything other than “awkward fat kid” with this guy. It’s a shame but that doesn’t change my opinion that he’s not even close to Presidential.

  2. Meh.

    I prefer swimming with a long sleeve swim shirt because I hate both sunscreen and skin cancer.

  3. It only takes one severe sun burn from the deadly laser that is our sun to make a person wear a shirt. I prefer an actual swim shirt from Ron Jon or something similar myself

  4. so he’s either ashamed of his terrible body or he has some suspect tattoos like a rebel flag or something. either way he’s a weirdo

  5. I have a swim shirt because I burn easy, and I have a few tattoos i want to keep from fading. He probably does the same thing, but instead of tattoos of skulls and band logos, he’s probably got some white power shit going on.

  6. Short answer: no. Long answer: still no and he will back it up by saying some thing that is both weird and racist.

  7. I will say that I spent the second half of my vacation in Jamaica doing the same thing after a bad sunburn.

  8. Oh ffs. JD is a POS, but wearing a shirt while swimming is nothing. Can we concentrate on the real reasons he sucks? Like the presumably racist tattoos he’s trying to hide

  9. So actually I’m not gonna give him shit for this one because I do it, too. I’m not even a crazy heavy dude, I have a history of skin cancer and all sorts of precancerous spots, I burn super fast….life is just easier if I wear an SPF-rated swimshirt. The fact that my titties are covered is a secondary benefit you’re all welcome for lol.

  10. I sunburn in about 6 minutes and hate putting on sunscreen. Fuck Vance but wearing a rashie while swimming in SoCal is normal. Let’s not stigmatize avoiding skin cancer.

  11. It’s called a rash shirt. I wear one. SPF50

    Dude next door died of skin cancer. I’d wear my sun hat too if my kids weren’t constantly dunking me.

  12. I know this may be weird but some people have body image issues and don’t like showing off their tops. He doesn’t exactly look like a skinny guy and that may be it.

    The dude is still super weird though.

  13. Honestly, one of the least weird things he’s done. I swim with a shirt on so I don’t waste copious amounts of sunscreen trying to stave off the cancerous effects on the sun on my Scots-Irish skin.

  14. Damn. I’ve done this just because I don’t wanna worry about about getting sunburned. I didn’t realize so many people thought it was weird.

  15. I swim with a swim shirt on mainly because I’m super hairy and putting sunscreen on a hairy torso just absolutely sucks. I hate putting on sunscreen to begin with but I’m super fair-skinned so it’s a necessity. Putting on a swim shirt that dries in 5 min after swimming is a much easier option.

  16. I gotta push back on this one. I know too many people who got skin cancer in their twenties and in one case as a teen. If someone wants to wear a shirt in the pool, let ’em. JD does a lot of other weird things that we can make fun of.

  17. As unpopular as it sounds, I am actually siding with Shady Vance on this one. Hear me out: he has always been a portly fellow. Even in his Marine pictures you can see he is fit, but with a tendency to gain weight easily. In his pictures from two or three years ago (pre-beard) he is a Roly-poly gentleman. He then dropped some weight, grew a beard, and started wearing eyeliner. While the suited-up appearance isn’t horrible, going *shirtless* is a whole different story. While he *did* have the wisdom to never take off his shirt in front of the camera, he did so in the silliest way possible by then going swimming.

    TLDR: he’s hiding his man-boobs

  18. Im pale, pasty and had a melonoma removed a few years ago. Fuck this guy, but Im not mad at him for this.

  19. Granted I don’t like the guy but this isn’t really weird, lots of people go swimming in a shirt.

    That being said, he’s probably making the shirt weird just by wearing it.

  20. Whats wrong with wearing a shirt? Worked outside all my life. Realized I was destroying my skin. Now if I’m swimming I wear a swim shirt snf typically have on a bucket hat too

  21. I’m a big hater on Vance but the younger generations are being seen wearing long sleeve water shirts more and more. When I go to the beach in Los Angeles it appears that 1/3 of the kids under 18 are wearing these shirts. What used to be for the overweight kids is now becoming more normalized. Major props to parents and kids for getting past that stigma and protecting their skin from the sun.

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